来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin
Today, we Mengyin long haired rabbit production to introduce to you is a long haired rabbit in the feeding management of some of the notes:
长毛兔在发展进化过程中,下一些生物学 特性,饲养者必须了解这些特性,科学地进行饲养。长毛兔的主要生物学特性 长毛兔的生活特性,概括为六大特性。即胆小怕 惊、喜干怕湿、耐寒怕热、好斗而喜欢独居、有啃咬行为和喜欢夜间活动多。
In the process of development and evolution, the long haired rabbit, some biological characteristics, the breeders must understand these characteristics, scientific feeding. The main biological characteristics of long haired rabbit hair rabbit's life characteristics, summarized as the six major characteristics. Afraid of fear, fear of fear, like dry afraid of wet, cold and hot, aggressive and prefer to live alone, eating behavior and love to eat more night.
Note: a long haired rabbit like dry wet
长毛兔喜爱干燥,兔舍内适宜的相对湿度应为 60%~65%。如相对湿度大,不仅影响兔体散热,易使兔毛不洁,并且有利于病原微生物繁殖,长毛兔容易染病。因此,平时应注意环境卫生,保持干燥,每天要打扫兔舍、兔笼,清理粪便,洗刷食具,勤换垫草并定期消,确保兔舍兔笼的干燥沽洁,以增强长毛兔的体质,预防疾病,提高兔毛产量和质更。
Long haired rabbits love dry, the relative humidity of the rabbit homes should be 60%~65%. Such as the relative humidity is high, not only affects the rabbit body heat dissipation, easy to make hair unclean, and is conducive to the pathogenic microorganisms breeding and Angora rabbits are prone to disease. Therefore, in peacetime should pay attention to sanitation, keep dry, every day to clean up the rabbit, rabbit cage, cleaning waste, washing utensils, Qinhuan mats and regular fire, ensure the rabbit hutch dry Gu Jie, to enhance the physique of Angora rabbit, prevent disease, improve the yield and quality of hair.
Note two: long haired rabbit is afraid of heat
长毛兔的毛可以御寒,但是夏天缺怕热,长毛兔的产毛量季节性变化很明显,兔毛的产量和质量都是夏季低冬春季高。鉴 于长毛兔上述特点,在饲养管理中应保持适当的温 度,特别在炎热季节要注意温度的调控,适当通风。
Angora rabbit wool can keep out the cold, but lack in summer is afraid of heat, Angora rabbit production gross amount of seasonal change is obvious, the yield and the quality of the rabbit hair are summer and lower in winter and spring high. In view of the above characteristics, in the feeding and management should maintain appropriate temperature, especially in the hot season should pay attention to the regulation of temperature, appropriate ventilation.
Note three: long haired rabbit timid scared
长毛兔性怯弱,毫无攻击敌兽的自卫本领,稍有 响声,就竖起听觉锐敏的双耳,倾听周围动静,尤其在分娩、哺乳和命种时更怕惊动。如受惊过度,还可能发生“惊厥”,严重时会因腰肌强烈收缩,逃生不成反使腰椎骨折,造成低位截瘫,后半身不能动弹,只能拖着走。饲养过程中切忌 喧闹,动作要轻,捉兔时要小心谨慎,兔舍要经常保 持清静,防止猫、、麻雀等动物进人舍内。还要谢绝闲杂人员进人兔舍。
Angora rabbit of timidity, no attack enemy beast self-defense skills, little noise, erected binaural auditory acuity, listen to news around, especially in childbirth, breastfeeding and life time are more afraid of disturb. Such as frightened excessive, may also occur convulsions, severe severe contraction of the lumbar muscles, can not escape the back of the lumbar spine fracture, resulting in low paraplegia, after the body can not move, can only be dragged away. Feeding of avoid by all means is noisy, action should be light, Zhuotu carefully, rabbit to often keep quiet, prevent animals such as cats, dogs, and sparrows into homes. But you refuse Xianzarenyuan into the rabbit house.
Note four: long haired rabbit bite and aggressive
长毛兔为啮齿类动物,有外露的门啮,而且是性的,终生不换牙,门齿不断生长,为保持正常长度,长毛兔必须通过啃咬硬物将其磨短,保持上、下颌和牙齿的吻合,维持正常的采食。可用水泥或金属边角废料制作。还可以经常喂些硬粒饲料,以减少长毛兔 的啃咬行为。
Angora rabbit for rodents, have exposed the door locked and permanent, lifelong teeth, incisors grow continuously, in order to maintain the normal length and Angora rabbit must by biting hard grind its short, maintain, jaw, and teeth of anastomosis, maintain normal feeding. Can be used in the production of cement or metal scrap corner. Also can often feed some hard grain feed, in order to reduce the biting behavior of long haired rabbit.
Note five: night activities
Angora rabbits are inherited from the ancestors living habits, at night than in the daytime, momentum, thus intake and drinking water, metabolism, so in feeding, nocturnal feeding volume to accounting for more than two third of the volume of feed, especially in summer should pay more attention to feeding in the night.