来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin
1、种兔的选择 公兔要发育好、抗病强、性欲旺。母兔要体型大,粗毛含量高,产毛量高。
1, the choice of male rabbit rabbit want a good development, disease resistant is strong, erotic wang. Mother rabbit to large size, high content of coarse wool, wool yield.
2、饲养 3月龄后公母分开饲养,防止早配。非配种期种兔给予中等营养水平,不能使其过肥或过瘦。配种前1个月,喂足全价饲料的同时增喂胡萝卜、米糠,提高公兔性能力。
In March 2, breeding age of male and female apart, preventing the early distribution. Non breeding period rabbit to medium nutrition level, can not be too fat or too thin. 1 months before breeding, feeding and full price feed by feed carrots, rice bran, improve the ability of male rabbit.
3、配种 毛兔配种时要剪毛。配种时把母兔捉到公兔笼内,不宜在母兔笼内进行。
3, breeding rabbit breeding to shearing. Mating the female rabbits caught the rabbit hutch, not in the mother rabbit hutch.

Breeding time, spring and autumn should be the morning or after 4 p.m., Xia Jiyi at night is cool, but at noon in winter breeding. Male rabbit breeding 2 times daily, every other day for. Mother rabbit should be every month breeding.
4、孕兔的饲养 孕兔以青饲料为主,适当增加精料,补充高蛋白、矿物质、维生素。临产前要注意观察母兔的动向,把临产母兔放入铺有软草的箱内,并在箱内放一碗红糖水,以防母兔因口渴而吞食仔兔。母兔哺乳期要多喂小米汤、熟豆汁,供给充足的清洁饮水,补喂精料、青绿多汁饲料。分娩后母仔分离,每日喂 3~5次。
Feeding pregnant rabbits, 4 pregnant rabbits to forage, appropriately increase the fine materials, high protein, mineral, vitamin supplement. Attention should be paid to the trend of female rabbit before labor, the birth mother rabbit into the shop with a soft grass box, and put a bowl of brown sugar water in the box, to prevent the mother rabbit because thirsty and devour the young rabbit. Mother rabbit lactation to feed millet soup, cooked soybean milk, adequate supply of clean drinking water, complementary feed, green juicy feed. Mother infant separation of delivery, to feed 3 to 5 times a day.