来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin
在长毛兔的繁育过程中,妊娠兔的喂养尤为重要,妊娠兔应以绿色饲料为主,适当增加精料,补充高蛋白、矿物质、维生素丰富的饲料,并将其置于避惊安泉处,以防止惊吓。喂、抓动作应轻。怀孕的兔笼应适当增大,增加活动量,以促进兔妈妈分娩。劳动前应注意观察兔妈妈的趋势,一旦兔妈妈不耐烦的扯头发的性能,应该把母亲与柔软的草,兔子在盒子里,把一碗红糖水或光温水在箱子里,兔妈妈产后又渴又饿,如不接触水,食物,容易吞咽的兔子。兔妈妈进入哺乳期多喂米汤、豆汁、熟豆汁,供应充足的清水,饲料精料、绿汁多汁,用足够的乳汁养好兔子。母亲产后分居,每天喂养3 ~ 5次。兔妈妈的窝内应保持清洁卫生,防止疾病的发生。

In the breeding process of long haired rabbits, the feeding of pregnant rabbits is particularly important. Pregnant rabbits should be given priority to green feed, with appropriate addition of refined feed, high protein, mineral and vitamin rich feed, and put it in the place of avoiding Jing'an spring to prevent fright. Feeding and grasping should be light. The pregnant rabbit cage should be increased appropriately and the activity should be increased to promote the delivery of the mother rabbit. Before work, we should pay attention to the trend of mother rabbit. Once mother rabbit impatiently pulls her hair, we should put mother and soft grass, rabbit in the box, a bowl of brown sugar water or light and warm water in the box. Mother rabbit is thirsty and hungry after childbirth, such as rabbits that do not touch water, food and are easy to swallow. When the mother rabbit enters the lactation period, she feeds rice soup, bean juice and cooked bean juice, and supplies sufficient water, feed concentrate and green juice. She feeds the rabbit well with enough milk. The mother lived separately after childbirth and was fed 3-5 times a day. The nest of the mother rabbit should be kept clean to prevent disease.
The above is a detailed introduction to the feeding and matching of pregnant Angora rabbit. For more information, please click http://www.myxinhua.com