来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin
The prepared feed for giant Angora rabbit requires clean and moderate water volume, which can reduce the incidence of rabbit disease and improve the feed digestibility of giant Angora rabbit. Before feeding, block and tuber feed should be cleaned, dehydrated and cut into thick silk; green straw and sweet potato should be cut into short sections; green feed with large moisture content should be dried before feeding, and fresh feeding should be done after losing a little moisture.

Giant Angora rabbits don't like to eat fishy feed and powder. Some sweeteners can be added to make feed palatable. If conditions permit, farms and households should process the concentrate and grass powder into full price pellet feed and feed them with green and juicy feed, which can not only meet the nutritional needs of giant Angora rabbits, but also reduce the burden of artificial mowing. For small-scale farmers who cannot process pellet feed, they must mix the powder with water before feeding, so as to avoid cough caused by inhalation of powder into trachea of giant Angora rabbits. The humidity is that the feed can be held into a ball by hand, no water flows out from the fingers, and the feed can be dispersed when the fingers are extended and shaken. If it is necessary to add fish meal into the feed of young rabbits and lactating rabbits, the amount of fish meal should not exceed 3%, and it should be mixed well, so that the processed pellet feed will not have fishy smell.
In order to ensure the quality of forage grass and feed, we should do "ten no feeding": first, do not feed the green feed with dew and rain; second, do not feed the feed with silt and feces; fourth, do not feed the feed polluted by pesticides and other poisons; fifth, do not feed frozen feed; sixth, do not feed germinated potato and sweet potato with black spot; seventh, do not feed undercooked soybean or black beans; Eighth, do not feed They are poisonous plants; nine do not feed a large number of Astragalus and other easy to cause diarrhea green feed; ten do not feed a large number of spinach and other high oxalic acid content of green feed.
The above is about how to prepare giant Angora rabbit feed, if you want to know more, please click our website to see more.