来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin
The rabbit breeding site should be located in the place with high and dry terrain, flat or slight slope. There must be sufficient water and good water sources at or around the site. Generally, it should be more than 200m away from the main traffic line. The rabbit farm should be located in the downwind direction of residential areas and villages, and the distance from residential areas should be more than 400 meters. Considering the transportation of feed raw materials, the sales of products and the convenience of workers' life and work, rabbit farms should not be built in places with inconvenient transportation or remote areas.

The area of rabbit farm should be determined according to the type, scale, management mode and intensive degree of breeding rabbits. When calculating the area of rabbit farm, the outstanding building factor is about 15% based on the building area of 0.8 square meters for one female rabbit and its offspring. The rabbit farm with 500 Basic female rabbits needs to cover an area of about 2700 square meters.