来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin
Many breeders are consulting our Angora rabbit farm. How can we find the sick Angora rabbit in time?
Because it's very dangerous for a sick rabbit to stay with a healthy rabbit, it needs to be checked out in time. Rabbits are gregarious animals, easily infected with some diseases, itself is also the source of infection. Only timely investigation, treatment, in order to better feed rabbits.
First of all, observe the look of the rabbit. The rabbits without disease eat and drink more. Their eyes are big and bright. They are full of spirit. They have no eye excrement. Their ears are pink and there is no mucus in their mouth and nose. Observe the feces of rabbits. The feces of rabbits without disease were granular and glossy. The dung of the sick rabbit is very hard, so you can give him rhubarb soda tablets; If it is rabbit lax, you can eat purslane, cheap, good effect.

If the Angora rabbit does not eat much, it must find a way to let it eat. Choose some green juicy feed and concentrate feed, you can also use garlic, ginger, scallion to adjust the taste, so as to promote its diet. If the rabbit is sick, observe carefully. If rabbits suffer from conjunctivitis, they can wash their eyes several times with strong tea or light saline, and the effect is very good;
If rabbit plague occurs in Angora rabbits, 4-5 ml of rabbit plague vaccine can be injected 2-3 times, which can effectively control the epidemic situation. High immune serum can also be injected intramuscularly at the amount of 2-3 ml per kilogram of body weight in the early stage of rabbit disease, once a day for 3.4 days. It is necessary to treat the sick rabbits in time, so as to prevent the infection to other healthy rabbits.