Angora rabbits have many colors, such as white, black, gray, golden yellow, blue, chocolate, dark brown, light purple, etc. It is precisely because of this unique shape that it will win the hearts of many buyers. If you want to breed this Angora rabbit, you need to know more about it in advance.
Angora rabbits' long coat can cover their eyes, nose, limbs and other parts. They are docile and cute. They will not resist when being held or combed. They are almost complete herbivores.
Because there are 28 teeth that grow continuously for life, vegetables and fruits should not be the staple food. Long term eating is easy to cause tooth occlusion problems, and the lack of crude fiber in the intestines and stomach leads to gastrointestinal stagnation. It is a misunderstanding that rabbits like to eat carrots, and feeding rabbits vegetables is also a very backward feeding method.
The scientific feeding method is: regular and quantitative rabbit food every day, unlimited hay supply 24 hours a day, and uninterrupted drinking water supply.
Angora rabbits have a very simple food, which is an animal that only needs grass, but for the needs of grinding teeth and body, Angora rabbits can be fed 24 hours a day, which will not have any adverse effects on him.

Rabbits are sexually mature about 8 months after birth. When female rabbits appear irritable, it is a sign of oestrus. After mating, the male rabbit will make a high pitched call and faint. Female rabbits should be separated from male rabbits after pregnancy. Lay straw or other hay in the cage, and enclose the cage with cloth. Try not to touch it, so that the female rabbit can keep quiet and stable.
Mengyin hairy Rabbit Breeders remind you that female rabbits will use their belly hair as their nest. From pregnancy to childbirth, female rabbits will become very neurotic. If they are exposed too much, the female rabbit may bite the owner or kill her own baby rabbit. A fetus can produce 5-6 rabbits. When there is insufficient food or water, the mother rabbit may eat the rabbits, so the amount provided should be slightly more than usual.
After about 30 days, the rabbit can leave the nest. At this time, the rabbit can leave the mother rabbit. Rabbits should develop good habits of scientific feeding and excretion from childhood. Six months ago: feed young rabbits food regularly and quantitatively every day, and provide unlimited supply of dry alfalfa throughout the day, so as to enhance their physique and prevent them from getting sick when they grow up.
If you have plans to breed this kind of rabbit, please follow our website http://www.myxinhua.com Let's provide you with new scientific and reasonable breeding knowledge.