
发布日期:2023-09-22 来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin

1. Management of sleeping rabbits
The period before the baby rabbit opens its eyes is called the sleep period, and at this time, the room temperature should be maintained at 30-32 ℃. Firstly, the newborn rabbit should eat early and have enough colostrum. For those who do not breastfeed their offspring, mandatory measures are taken (excluding symptoms such as mastitis). The method is to grab the mother rabbit's ears with your hand, fix them in the litter box, and at the same time, touch the mother rabbit to make it quiet, allowing the offspring to suckle freely. This way, the mother rabbit will automatically breastfeed 1-2 times a day for several days.
2. Management during the eye opening period
(一)帮助开眼  仔兔12日龄后开眼。仔兔开眼时要逐头检查,发现开眼不全的可用药棉蘸温开水洗去封住眼睛的粘液,帮助仔兔开眼。否则会形成小眼或瞎眼。
(1) Help the rabbit to open its eyes after 12 days of age. When the baby rabbit opens its eyes, it should be checked head by head. If incomplete opening is found, it can be washed with cotton wool dipped in warm water to remove the mucus that seals the eyes and help the baby rabbit open their eyes. Otherwise, it will form small or blind eyes.
(二)把好仔兔开食关  出生20天左右的仔兔开始采食,此时母仔兔应分笼饲养,以利对仔兔单独训饲。仔兔训饲要少量多餐,可喂些易消化、营养丰富的饲料。如喂青绿饲料要求鲜嫩清洁,不喂带泥浆和霉烂的饲料。仔兔开食后要在饲料中添加抗球虫病药物。
(2) Turn on and off the feeding of good offspring rabbits. After about 20 days of birth, the mother and offspring rabbits should start feeding. At this time, the mother and offspring rabbits should be kept in separate cages to facilitate separate training and feeding of the offspring rabbits. The training and feeding of young rabbits requires small amounts and multiple meals, and can be fed with easily digestible and nutritious feed. If feeding green feed, it is required to be fresh, tender, and clean, and do not feed feed with mud or moldy feed. After the young rabbits are fed, anti coccidiosis drugs should be added to the feed.
(三)适时断奶,加强管理  生长均匀的可整窝一次性断奶,生长差异大的,可将体质好的先断奶,体质弱的后断奶。断奶后半个月不要轻易变换饲料,以免影响食欲。刚剪掉胎毛的仔兔仍应整窝合养,经数天适应后才可按体质强弱、大小分笼(可两只一笼)。
(3) Timely weaning and strengthened management can be achieved by weaning the entire nest with uniform growth. For those with significant differences in growth, the ones with good physical fitness can be weaned first, while those with weak physical fitness can be weaned later. Do not easily change feed half a month after weaning to avoid affecting appetite. Newborn rabbits that have just cut off their fetal hair should still be raised together in their entire nest, and after several days of adaptation, they can be divided into cages according to their physical strength and size (two can be used in one cage).