来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:创始人
1、 Selection of long haired rabbits
1. 品种选择:选用长毛兔能够获得更好的经济效益,国内长毛兔品种主要有新西兰种、英国种、美国种等,其中新西兰种是适合养殖的品种之一。
1. Variety selection: Choosing long haired rabbits can achieve better economic benefits. Domestic long haired rabbit varieties mainly include New Zealand, British, American, etc. Among them, New Zealand is one of the most suitable breeds for breeding.
2. 繁殖家系选择:要选择繁殖家系好的兔种,以保证后代品质。一般情况下选用二到三个月龄的雌雄异性兔组成繁殖家系。
2. Breeding family selection: Choose rabbit breeds with good breeding families to ensure the quality of offspring. Generally, breeding families are composed of two to three month old male and female rabbits.
2、 Breeding management
1. 圈舍选择:长毛兔怕寒怕热,一般在15℃到25℃的环境下会比较适宜生长。因此,圈舍的选择要适宜,确保通风、保暖、防晒。
1. Selection of enclosure: Long haired rabbits are afraid of cold and heat, and generally grow in environments ranging from 15 ℃ to 25 ℃. Therefore, the choice of enclosure should be appropriate, ensuring ventilation, warmth, and sun protection.
2. 饲料搭配:长毛兔是草食性动物,以干草和粗饲料为主食,辅以浓缩饲料和矿物质混合饲料,在配合饲料中添加适量维生素A、维生素D、磷和钙等营养元素。
2. Feed pairing: The long haired rabbit is a herbivorous animal that mainly feeds on hay and roughage, supplemented by concentrated feed and mineral mixed feed. An appropriate amount of nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin D, phosphorus, and calcium are added to the mixed feed.
3. 水源保障:长毛兔对水的需求量比较大,每天需喝水量为体重的10%左右。圈舍内要设置足够的饮水器,保证兔群随时可以饮水。
3. Water source guarantee: Long haired rabbits have a relatively high demand for water, with a daily water consumption of about 10% of their body weight. Sufficient water dispensers should be installed in the enclosure to ensure that the rabbit herd can drink water at any time.
3、 Disease prevention and control
1. 疫病预防:长毛兔易患病,要定期注射疫苗,防治疾病的同时可提高兔子的免疫力。
1. Disease prevention: Long haired rabbits are prone to diseases and should be regularly vaccinated to prevent and treat the disease while improving their immunity.
2. 饲料卫生:长毛兔的饲料要分装保存,保持清洁干燥,防止受潮霉变。定期更换饲料和饮水器,保证圈舍内干净卫生。
2. Feed hygiene: The feed for long haired rabbits should be packaged and stored separately, kept clean and dry, to prevent moisture and mold. Regularly replace feed and water dispensers to ensure cleanliness and hygiene inside the enclosure.
4、 Nutritional value and market prospects
Long haired rabbit meat has high nutritional value, with a protein content of about 20% and low fat content, making it suitable for healthy eaters and widely used in the catering industry. With the increasing emphasis on healthy eating, the market prospects for long haired rabbit meat are very promising.