来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin
We all know that hares economic value is very high, especially the rabbit hair, a kilo of up to 120 yuan, as the hometown of hares darkened hares farming is more famous, below we darkened hares manufacturer to introduce is darkened hares growth rule.
Hares in the whole process to go through three stages:
一、胚胎期 从母兔受精妊娠到仔兔出生时为止,成为胚胎期,平均为30天,一般可分为胚期(妊娠1-12天)、胎期(妊娠13-18天)和胎儿期(妊娠19-30天)。
A, embryonic period To seed the rabbit was born from mother rabbit fertilization pregnancy, become the embryonic period, an average of 30 days, generally can be divided into embryonic stage (1-12 days of pregnancy), fetal period (13 to 18 days of pregnancy) and fetal period (gestational 19-30 days).
二、哺乳期 从出生到断奶为哺乳期。初生仔兔闭眼封耳,裸体无毛。据测定,德系安哥拉兔平均初生重为60克左右,1周龄体重可增加1倍以上,1月龄体重可增加10倍左右。
Second, from birth to weaning breastfeeding for lactation. Primary seed rabbit eyes ears, naked glabrous. , according to the determination of ashkenazi Angora rabbit average birth weight of 60 grams, more than 1 weeks weight can increase 1 times, 1 months to gain about 10 times.
三、断奶期 断奶期也称为成长期,断奶之后,长毛兔的生长速度逐渐减慢,从增重或相对生长速度来看,都表现为前期较快,后期较慢。断奶后幼兔和青年兔的生长速度,主要受遗传因素和环境因素(饲料、管理、自然条件)的影响。
Three, weaning period Weaning period, also known as growth period, after weaning, the growth of the hares speed gradually slow down, from the point of absolute weight gain or relative growth rate, is characterized by rapid early, late slower. After weaning immature rabbit and speed of the growth of the young rabbit, mainly by genetic factors and environmental factors (feed, management, and the influence of natural condition).