来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin
Where the identification is not made of a kind of male rabbits, can be used at 3-4 months of age. Castrated male rabbit gentle disposition, rapid growth, shiny hair, succulent and tender. Castration method has the following several, we Mengyin long wool rabbit small series to introduce you to:
ligation method: the general use of ordinary rubber band or wire ligation of the cord, the method is simple and easy, do not bleed. Patients first with tincture of iodine disinfection scrotal skin, and then use the left hand two fingers knead testicular, with a rubber band or a thread will be two testicular together with scrotal together tightly, blocking blood circulation. After about 10 days, the testis and scrotum part will shrink and fall off, to achieve the purpose of castration. By ligation method, and sometimes individual male rabbit will specific inflammatory reaction occurred, within 1-2 days after operation, the scrotum and testis will increase rapidly 7-8 times, but 3-5 days after the swelling will decline, about 20 days testis will shrinking into lumps.
castration method: cut out the testis. Castrated before the rabbit abdomen upward, to cut the scrotum in the vicinity of the villi, the rabbit abdomen upward, patients with his left hand the testes from the inguinal canal to squeeze into the scrotum, and with the index finger and thumb pinch fixed, with tincture of iodine disinfection incision and disinfection of castrating knife along the vertical direction of the testicular incision skin 1 centimeter or so, out of testis and spermatic cord cut, and then tincture of iodine disinfection hemostasis. After the operation, put in the clean cage of disinfection, 2-3 days, the wound can heal, restore health.
chemical method: the use of chemical drugs to treat male rabbits testis, to achieve the purpose of castration. Specific method is: first about 3 months old castrated male rabbit Baoding, in front of the longitudinal axis of the scrotum with tincture of iodine, the apparent size in male rabbits. Each testis injection 1.5-2 ml of 5% tincture of iodine or calcium chloride injection. Note that the drug should be injected into the testis, do not flow into the scrotum. After the injection of liquid testis began to swell, 3-5 days 7-8 days after testicular swelling, atrophy, loss of libido in male rabbits. This method is simple and easy to operate, with good results.