来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin
Long haired rabbits do not like to eat fishy smell of feed and powder. When the feed can be added to add some sweeteners, feed palatability. The conditions of the farm, the user should be refined material and grass powder processing of the price of grain feed, with the feeding of green juicy feed, so that both can meet the nutritional needs of the rabbit hair, but also to reduce the burden of artificial mowing.
Unable to process small-scale feed feed particles, feeding powder must be mixed with water after the wet feed, so as not to cause the rabbit hair powder inhalation of trachea cough. Moisture in order to use the hand to hold the feed into a group, no water flowing out from the fingers, when the fingers shake the feed can be spread out appropriate. If you need to feed the fish in the young rabbit, rabbit feed feed, the amount can not be more than 3%, and to mix well, so that the processing of granular feed will not smell.
In order to ensure the quality of feed, to achieve the "ten do not feed": a green feed with dew and rain fed; two do not feed with sediment and manure feed; feed, do not feed mildew metamorphic; four were not fed pesticides and other toxic pollution of the feed; five do not feed feed feed not frozen; six sweet potato germination and potato with black spot; seven do not feed no cooked beans or black beans; eight do not feed poisonous plants; green feed nine does not feed a lot of milk vetch may easily cause diarrhea; ten do not feed green feed lots of spinach with high content of oxalic acid.