来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin
长毛兔的饲喂制度,通常可分为自由采食和限量饲喂两种。目前,我国养兔大多采用定时定量 ― 限量饲喂方式,按照不同兔的营养需要和季节特点,定出饲养管理的操作日程,每天的饲喂次数、时间及喂量都要保持相对稳定,不能忽早忽迟,也不能饥饱不均。
The feeding system of Angora rabbits can be divided into two types: free feeding and limited feeding. At present, China's rabbit mostly adopts quantitative timing - limited feeding mode, according to the nutritional needs and seasonal characteristics of different rabbits, a feeding management operation schedule, daily feeding times, time and feeding amount will remain relatively stable, and can not ignore the early late, nor hunger and satiety uneven.
A look at the size of the rabbit feed, can not be treated. The general size of adult rabbits to feed more, young rabbits, young rabbits should be less appropriate, green coarse feed should be fed with the season.
Two see the rabbit fat degree of feeding. A fat rabbit should be appropriate to reduce the fine material, increasing green forage; thin rabbit feed should be more appropriate, fed some soaked and cooked soybeans or mashed bean dregs.
Three see stool dry humidity feeding. If dry stool, it is necessary to increase the green feeding amount, mixing with some humidity is appropriate; if the stool is too soft, then to reduce the feeding amount of green materials, mixing with a dry.
Four look hungry full feed. In general, the rabbits are fed to 80% full is appropriate, feeding is too easy to cause indigestion, enteritis, diarrhea, etc.; inadequate feeding will affect the normal growth and production performance.
五看天气冷热情况喂料。当气温超过 30 ℃ 时则以早、夜喂料效果为佳,向时以喂食冷、凉饲料或青绿饲料为好;冬季天寒精料以热水冲拌、捏团饲喂为好。
Five see the weather cold and hot feeding. When the temperature exceeded 30 degrees in the early night, feeding effect is better, to when fed with cold and cool feed and green feed as well; cold winters to concentrate hot water mixed and kneaded for feeding.