来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin
The main concern for rabbits is diet.
The most important points of diet care for novice rabbits are:
Rabbit drink water! Rabbits can't eat anything when they are thirsty. Please use cool boiled water or pure water, do not use tap water (with parasites).
Rabbits need to eat grass, and grass is a staple food (except for a newborn rabbit). Nothing can replace grass. The content of cellulose in rabbit's grains and vegetables is completely, definitely and far from their needs. Generally, they buy boxes of hay (mainly Timothy grass). The more a rabbit can eat grass, the healthier it is.
Why do rabbits need to eat grass? Rabbit food as the main food - Rabbit stealth killer (turn) rabbit food and vegetables as a supplementary food, fruit as a snack, according to age and weight to quantify, must not be a staple food. Rabbit grain buys high cellulose content. The vegetables should be washed and dried. The fridge should be put to room temperature. On the market, there are some disorderly toys that claim "Bunny snacks". The digestive system of rabbits is relatively weak, and eating the wrong things may lead to their lives. Every kind of food I fed to them was found on the Internet. Feed the food that you have not eaten regularly, so that their intestines and stomach can be adjusted. Rabbits who eat too much grass will have good appetite. Foods with high starch and sugar content can cause intestinal flora imbalance and dental caries in rabbits. Caries will not die, but dead rabbits! Why not eat rabbit starch for rabbits? Do not take health care products or antibiotics. Rabbits do not need to vaccinate.

(This article is provided by the Xinhua Rabbit Farm in Mengyin, Shandong Province. Anyone who is interested in rabbits can pay attention to us at http://www.myxinhua.com. We will provide you with the latest news.)