来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin
Rabbits have the following rare diseases:
1、兔瘟 又称兔病毒性出血症,是由兔瘟病毒感染惹起的一种急性传染病,对3月龄以上的青年和成年家兔危害很大,乳兔普通不发病。常在初春爆发盛行,一旦发作,迅速涉及全群,死亡率在95%以上。更急性型病兔只见忽然倒地,尖叫抽筋而死。少数病兔体温降低41℃以上,肉体萎靡,食欲减退,呼吸短促,四肢呈游泳状,有的发作惊厥,鼻中流出泡沫性血液,多在12-36小时内抽搐而死。该病目前尚无药物医治。关键在于接种兔瘟疫苗停止预防,1-2月龄兔肌注1毫升,成年兔肌注2毫升兔瘟疫苗,即可无效预防该病发作。一旦有兔发病,立刻隔离察看,并对全群停止“紧急预防接种兔瘟疫苗”,也能收到较好效果。
1. Rabbit plague, also known as Rabbit Viral Hemorrhagic Disease, is an acute infectious disease caused by Rabbit Plague Virus infection. It does great harm to young and adult rabbits over three months of age, and suckling rabbits do not usually get sick. Often in early spring outbreaks prevail, once the outbreak, quickly involving the whole population, the mortality rate is more than 95%. The most acute type of disease rabbit saw a sudden fall, screaming cramps and died. In a few sick rabbits, the body temperature is reduced by more than 41 degrees Celsius, the body is flagging, the appetite is reduced, the breathing is short, the limbs are swimming, some of them are convulsive, and the nasal cavity flows out of the foam blood. They often convulse in 12-36 hours and die. At present, there is no specific drug treatment for this disease. The key is to stop the prevention of rabbit cholera vaccine, 1 ml intramuscular injection of 1-2 months old rabbits and 2 ml intramuscular injection of adult rabbits, which can effectively prevent the occurrence of the disease. Once a rabbit gets sick, it can be isolated immediately, and stop "emergency vaccination of rabbit plague vaccine" for the whole population, which can also achieve better results.

2、兔巴氏杆菌病 是由多杀性巴氏杆菌惹起的急性热性败血性传染病。次要损害2-6月龄家兔,尤以春季多发。发病后如不及时控制,死亡严重。急性型病兔,表现忽然发病,体温降低41℃以上,呼吸短促,打喷嚏,流鼻涕,有时下痢,死亡前体温下降,全身发抖,四肢抽搐,多在12-18小时内死亡。慢性型病兔,表现爲体温降低,呼吸困难,收回如拉风箱似的响声,流浓鼻涕,打喷嚏和用前爪抓鼻,食欲减退,病兔多因消瘦、衰竭死亡,病程1—2周。此病只需预防接种兔巴氏杆菌苗,就能无效防治。发病后,可按每只兔用链霉素0.50克加40万单位青霉素肌注,每天2次,延续5天,效果较好。也可用10%磺胺嘧啶2毫升肌注,还可按每只兔用土霉素O.25克,拌饲料中喂,每天2次,均有明显效果。
2. Rabbit Pasteurellosis is an acute febrile septic infectious disease caused by Pasteurella multocida. Secondary damage occurred in rabbits aged 2-6 months, especially in spring. If the disease is not controlled in time, the death will be serious. Acute type of disease rabbits, the performance of a sudden onset, body temperature dropped to more than 41 degrees Celsius, shortness of breath, sneezing, runny nose, sometimes diarrhea, death of precursor temperature drop, whole body tremor, limb convulsions, mostly within 12-18 hours of death. Chronic type of disease rabbits, manifested as hypothermia, dyspnea, withdrawal of bellows-like noise, runny nose, sneezing and scratching nose with forepaws, loss of appetite, disease rabbits mostly died of emaciation and exhaustion, the course of disease 1-2 weeks. The disease can be effectively prevented and cured by inoculating rabbit Pasteurella vaccine. After the onset of the disease, streptomycin 0.50 g per rabbit plus 400,000 units of penicillin intramuscular injection, twice a day, lasting for 5 days, the effect is better. 10% sulfadiazine 2 ml intramuscular injection can also be used. Oxytetracycline O. 25 g per rabbit can also be fed in mixed feed twice a day, which has obvious effect.
For more details or questions about rabbits, please go to our website: http://www.myxinhua.com, thank you!!