来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin
Germplasm and breeding are the two most important factors to determine any animal growth and production performance, is the two most important factors influencing wool rabbit production performance, so the design of Angora rabbit feed formula should also to raise standards. In line with the feed Angora rabbit, the most important nutrients is a sulfur-containing amino acid, cystine.
The sulfur-containing amino acids 15% rabbit hair, generally with sulfur-containing amino acids can not meet the needs of high dietary hair, so the increase in dietary methionine can increase 0.7% wool 20%. The price with the individual trace elements in feed still can not meet the high demand of rabbit hair, so the increase in dietary amount of copper, iron, zinc can generate horny protein, improve the yield of wool. According to the research, with the addition of copper per kg diet 30 mg, iron 20 mg, 10 mg Zn can improve the wool yield 27%, the addition of sodium sulfate 0.2%, stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa, content may play a role in stomach some can also supplement of elemental sulfur in the feed. Feeding beer: beer lees is rich in vitamins and a large number of bacterial protein, in rabbits fed diets with 40% fresh beer lees can obviously improve the yield of wool, but also decrease the feed cost, improve economic efficiency.
During pregnancy 19-26 days, is a key stage of fetal hair follicle formation, the young mother rabbit itself should growth and wool. Therefore, during this period the female rabbit should be given adequate nutrition. Experience shows that, a small amount of fish meal in feed can promote the growth of young rabbits, improve the quality of fur. Rabbit was susceptible to coccidiosis, adding anticoccidial drug prevention in diet.