来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin
①对长毛兔精液品质要定期检查 在公兔配种旺期,要每周定期检查公兔的精液品质,要选用精子密度大,精子活力强的公兔进行配种。
① on semen quality in male rabbits regularly check the breeding period, regular weekly inspections to semen quality of male rabbits, to choose the sperm density, sperm motility strong male rabbit breeding.
②科学合理地安排公兔配种次数 过度配种会引起公兔早衰,但长期不配又会影响精液品质。一般青年公兔每天可配种1-2次,壮年公兔可配2-3次,每次间隔6-8小时。
The scientific and reasonable arrangement of male rabbit breeding times excessive breeding can cause premature male rabbits, but long-term not affect semen quality. The general young male rabbit breeding 1-2 times every day, young male rabbits with 2-3 times, each time interval of 6-8 hours.
③加强饲养管理 公兔的体况要求肥瘦适中,过肥的公兔会影响激素的分泌和配种性能。因此,应要求公兔适当运动,以保持种公兔的健康。
Strengthening the management of male rabbit body condition requirements FeiShou moderate, too fat male rabbit will affect hormone secretion and mating performance. Therefore, should require the male rabbit proper exercise, to keep the health of male rabbit.
④提供全价日粮 种公兔的日粮应特别强调蛋白质、无机盐和维生素的供应。在配种季节来临前,要提前15- 20天调整日粮,所配日粮应做到营养成分齐全。以满足公兔配种时的体况消耗。
Diet to provide adequate diet male rabbit should emphasize protein, inorganic salt and vitamin supply. In the breeding season ago, to advance the 15- 20 days adjust the diet, the diet should be complete nutrients. In order to meet the consumption of male rabbit mating body condition.
⑤及时剪短被毛 在配种季节,要及时剪短公兔被毛,一般65-75天剪毛1次,以促进代谢,增强性欲。
By the time cut short hair in the breeding season, should be promptly cut male rabbit hair, usually 65-75 days shearing 1 times, in order to promote metabolism, enhance sexual desire.