来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin
According to the general level of rabbit frostbite frostbite can be divided into three stages: the first stage is to local redness, swelling, pain, a little warm. The two level for the local transparent liquid is filled blister, pain, blisters rupture to form ulcer, healing after leaving scars. The three level for the local tissue necrosis, dry, shrinkage, separation, shedding, serious illness can be lethal systemic frostbite. Farms (households) in the cold season should do the rabbit house insulation work. Doors and windows can be properly sealed, mat grass some of Sh Hei Doga hardy varieties, at the same time, strengthen management, enhance the rabbit physique, improve their ability to keep out the cold, to avoid the occurrence of frostbite.
Rabbit frostbite, light can be partially grease. In order to promote the swelling disappeared, rubbed 1% iodine or iodine glycerol solution. When the blisters, preventing infection, take effective measures, improve rabbit frostbite parts of the blood circulation, promote inflammatory swelling of dissipation, improve the recovery ability of organization. Rabbit frostbite early application of antibiotics, gentian violet liquid topical 3%. The three level to prevent the occurrence of frostbite, gangrene, can remove the necrotic tissue, applying antibiotic ointment, and use of antibiotics intravenous injection of glucose solution, vitamin C and vitamin B1.