First, Rex rabbit skin peeling season season has little influence on the young Rex Rabbit, but for adult rabbits, aged rabbits had a greater effect. General to the winter skin quality best, therefore, the elderly adult rabbit or rabbit peeling season best choice in late autumn or winter, spring less peeling skin, no peeling charpy.
Two, slaughter age generally speaking, quality in adult rabbit than the young rabbit skin and aging skin. Young rabbit skin in April before the age of the villi, not full, lanugo faded change not, rough hair thin, thin plates, commodity value is not high. 5 ~ June age adult rabbit skin, hair thick, bright luster, plate quality firm, thickness is moderate, the best quality. Old rabbit skin plate thick hard, rough, villous empty, dull, dark in color, commodity value is very low, and fur quality decreases with the increasing trend of birth parity.
Three, genetic factors genetic factors is a key factor that decides the rabbit hair quality, such as genetic instability, in addition to Harmonia in vitro, the offspring by Mao also prone to noise, stains, rust colored ribbon, and hanging belly defects

Effect four, feeding and management of feeding management on the quality of fur. Lack of protein in feed often leads to short awns and decrease the strength of wool fiber; vitamins and trace element deficiency, often results in rabbit hair fade, fragile, and even have depilation. In addition, malnutrition will often result in Rex rabbit growth restriction, thin body, the leather area does not meet the requirements of.
Five, the processing factors of improper processing, often produces knife hole, crooked skin, lack of material, support plate and folding laceration, shrinkage plate, seriously affecting the quality of Rex Rabbit fur. Knife hole is due to improper peeling technology were broken; pierced the skin plate without hole called "draw knife". "Little impact draw knife" depth than skin plate thickness 1/2, affecting more than 1/2 large, fur may occur after the hole.
Six, storage conditions fur because of improper storage, often dried tangerine peel, smoked, stifle, mildew, moth phenomenon seriously affect the center, fur quality.
Seven, the gender effect in the other under the same conditions, gender has significant impact on the quality of Rex Rabbit fur. From 4 to May were slain male rabbit than female rabbit hair more thick, coarse, plush more dilute, the plate more relaxation, lack of flexibility, so the male rabbit fur quality is poor in female rabbits. But the mother rabbit fur quality decreased with increasing parity and birth, birth, parity number, fur quality worse
Eight, individual size of Rex rabbit the greater the individual, then the skin area is larger, the higher level of fur