By "plucking" to the Angora rabbit wool harvest, is a more scientific wool harvest method. Hair can stimulate rabbit skin, improve blood circulation, improve hair growth speed increased, coarse hair content and improve the quality of rabbit. But as part of rabbit family method hair pulling and poor timing, such as hair pulling hair rough way improper, mining, mechanical damage of rabbit skin, skin and hair follicle damage, hair pulling on rabbit breeding management and mismanagement, causing many diseases, not only affect the rabbit growth and yield of wool, but also can cause death. Disinfection hair must be done before the rabbit and appliances.

Wool harvest after disinfection with a layer of clear plastic cloth or newspaper bedding, after pulling a rabbit in a.
Wool harvest workers hands each picking a rabbit with 75% alcohol cotton thoroughly disinfected again, unplug the rabbit hair with 75% alcohol cotton thoroughly wipe disinfection. Wool harvest workers hands each picking a rabbit with 75% alcohol cotton thoroughly disinfected again, unplug the rabbit hair with 75% alcohol cotton thoroughly wipe disinfection.
In the 1 days before each rabbit hair pulling, feed Dexamethasone Tablets 2 piece, can make the hair follicle expansion easily pulled out.
Epilation manipulation should be correct, forced to moderate, fixed rabbit left hand, right hand index finger, middle finger and thumb pinch hair, a bit small to pull, not full the indiscriminate pull.
Small rabbit skin tender, the best use of shear technique picks hair, avoid skin damage.
Male rabbit breeding period, female rabbits are not plucking wool harvest in pregnant period, in order to ensure normal production performance. After plucking, to strengthen management, give easy digest, nutrition is comprehensive feed, and the feed speed up to 14 or Vitamin B12 Tablets.
Subcutaneous inflammation and edema after plucking, injectable antibiotics and diuretics, edema, serious person can tap. For the infection of Trichophyton disease, each rabbit every day with Griseofulvin Tablets 1 mix in feed feeding, feeding 25 days can be cured.
Sarcoptes scabiei infection after plucking, treatment per kilogram of body weight with ivermectine 0.2 ml subcutaneous injection every 1 weeks, after repeated injection of 1 times; also can each rabbit with 0.3 g ~0.5 g, Ding powder mixing feeding or orally, 1 weeks after the Fed 1 times, can receive a satisfactory curative effect.
Wool harvest should unplug hair before winter kept short by plucking, must pull out light, and should do weatherization as.