来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin
1.兔舍封闭不要过严。 一些部位可以 透点小气,不要把整个兔舍包裹的好像装在一个塑料大口袋里一样。密闭太死,所有兔的呼吸、排尿、拉屎,加热后湿气缭绕,氨气熏人,一时间兔子很不适应,发生应急反应,对兔危害很大,尤其对正在拔毛的兔非常不利。
1 rabbit house closed not too strict. Some parts can be a little stingy, do not put the whole rabbit wrapped in a plastic bag as if the same. Closed too dead, all rabbits breathing, urination, shit, after heating moisture filled, ammonia scent, a rabbit is not suited, emergency reaction, great harm to the rabbit, the rabbit hair is especially very bad.
2.加热预温不要过高 。有18—20度左右即可。封闭的兔舍里霎时间温度太高,兔子也会发生应急,呼吸加快,大汗淋漓,这样的兔拔毛后立即脱温 , 什么灵丹妙药都无法挽救 ,尤其那肥大毛密的高产兔损的更多,叫人揪心。
2 not too high heating pre temperature. There are 18 - 20 degrees can be. The rabbit suddenly closed in the temperature is too high, the rabbit will emergency, shortness of breath, sweating, and temperature immediately after plucking the rabbit, what is a ready-made panacea can save, especially the mast high rabbit wool density loss is due more.
3.吃药剂量不要过大。药是指“地米” ,5--6片即可,更多8片,还要分两次喂服。俗话说是药三分毒。兔子的体重是成人体重的十分之一还不到,如果用到8片,相当于一个成年人一次吃了百十片地米,什么概念?已经够多了。不要像有的人所说的吃十五六片。兔子虽不会说话,但它也是生命,你真让它吃那么多药,它也只能以死报忠。 早些年拔兔毛是不吃药的,只是慢些和费力气罢了,也不怎么死兔。
3 dose not too large to take medicine. Medicine is refers to the ground rice, 5--6 tablets can be up to 8 pieces, but also divided into two feeding. As the saying goes, three drug. The weight is less than 1/10 of the adult weight, if you use 8, the equivalent of an adult one hundred meters to eat, what concept? Already enough. Do not like some people say eat six fifteen. Although the rabbit will not speak, but it is also a life, you really let it eat so many drugs, it can only be reported to death. The early years of pulling rabbit is do not take medicine, but slow and effort only, not how the dead rabbit.
4 feed amount not too much. Pull the hair on the first day to cut material 1/3, pull off the hair after one day to cut half, after slowly growing, three to five days to return to normal. Because the process is to pull the hair is a very emergency process, physiological disorders, digestive function decline, the use of the material is also the main reason for the death of rabbits in this period.