来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin
⑴ 根据母兔发情表现确定配种时间。肉母兔的发情周期变化较大,一般在8-15天,发情期一般是3天左右。发情表现为举止不安,食欲减退,常以前肢扒箱或后肢"顿足",有时还有衔草做窝现象,外阴部潮湿红肿。整个发情期分为前期、中期、后期,其判断主要看阴户的变化情况:发情前期变得较湿润、微肿、粉红色;中期湿润、肿大、呈大红色(俗称老红);后期湿润、肿大、紫黑色。更佳的配种时间是发情的中后期。
To determine the mating time according to the female rabbit estrus expression. Mother rabbit meat estrous cycle changes larger, generally in the 8-15 days, the estrous period is generally 3 days. Estrus behavior manner discomfort, loss of appetite, often in the forelimb or hindlimb grilled box "stomp", and sometimes Pyrolae nest phenomenon, vulva damp redness. The entire season is divided into prophase, metaphase, anaphase, the judgment mainly to see the changes: vulva proestrus become more moist, slightly swollen, pink; mid moist, swelling, a big red (commonly known as the old red); the late wet, swelling, purple black. The best time is the late estrus in breeding.

⑵ 试情法确定交配时期。把母兔放入公兔栏内,当公兔追逐爬跨时,如母兔作接受交配姿势,说明母兔已发情,即可进行配种。否则,未发情,不能交配。
The determination of the mating period test conditions the method. The mother rabbit into the male rabbit column, when the male rabbit chase intromission, such as mother rabbit accepts the mating posture, illustrate the mother rabbit has estrus, can be breeding. Otherwise, not in estrus, not mating.
⑶ 血配。即母兔产仔后1-2天进行配种。
The blood distribution. That the mother rabbit litter performed 1-2 days after mating.