来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin
Just from the rabbit body stripped skin, contains a lot of water, protein and fat, is a good medium of various microorganisms, such as not timely treatment, it may affect the quality of fur spoilage.
干燥法 通过干燥使鲜皮中的含水量降12%~16%,以抑制细菌繁殖,达到防腐的目的,鲜皮干燥的更适温度为20℃~30℃,温度低于20℃,水分蒸发缓慢,干燥时间长,可能使皮张腐烂,温度超过30℃,皮板表面水分蒸发快,易使皮张表面收缩或使胶原胶化,阻止水分蒸发,成为外干内温状态,干燥不匀会使生皮浸水不匀,影响以后的加工操作。
Drying method by drying the fresh skin of the moisture content of 12% ~ 16%, to inhibit bacterial growth, achieve the purpose of antisepsis, the optimum temperature is 20 DEG to 30 DEG. The fresh skin dry, the temperature is below 20 DEG C, slow evaporation, long drying time, can rot the skin, skin temperature over 30 the plate surface moisture to evaporate quickly, easy to make the skin surface or the collagen gel contraction, prevent water evaporation, become dry temperature and dry state, will cause uneven soaking unevenness, affect the machining operation.
The disadvantage is the skin dry antiseptic stiff, easy to break, it is difficult to soak and storage and is susceptible to erosion loss.
盐腌法 盐腌法利用干燥食盐或盐水处理鲜皮,是防止生皮腐烂更普通、更可靠的方法。用盐量一般为皮重的20%,将其均匀撒布于皮面,然后板面对板面堆叠1周左右,使盐溶液逐渐渗入皮内,直皮内和皮外的盐溶液浓度平衡,达到防腐的目的。盐腌法防腐的毛皮,适于长时间保存,不易遭受虫蚀。
By using the method of salting salted dry salt or brine treatment of fresh skin, prevent rotting hides the most common and reliable method. The use of salt is generally 20% of the tare, evenly distributed on the surface, and then board the face plate stack about 1 weeks, the concentration of salt solution gradually infiltrated into the skin, skin and skin until balanced salt solution, achieve the purpose of antisepsis. The invention relates to a method for preserving fur, which is suitable for long time preservation, and is not easy to be damaged by insects.
盐干法 盐干法是盐腌和干燥两种防腐法的结合,即先盐腌后干燥,使原料皮中水分含量降20%以下,鲜皮经盐腌,在干燥过程中盐溶液逐渐浓缩,细菌活动受到抑制,再经干燥处理,达到防腐的目的。
Dry salt salt is a combination of dry salted and dried two kinds of antiseptic methods, namely the first salt after drying, the moisture content of raw hides in below 20%, fresh peel by salting, drying in the process of salt solution is gradually concentrated, bacterial activity was inhibited, drying, attain the purpose of antisepsis.
Dry salt disadvantage is drying because of collagen fibers is shortened, and the formation of intradermal salt, may affect the structure of natural leather and lower raw material cortex.
Provide technical support for the Shandong Province, Mengyin Xinhua Tuchang Mengyin Angora rabbit, for more details, please enter: http://www.myxinhua.com, we would love for you to answer.