来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin
1, the choice of fattening varieties: fattening is best to choose early varieties, or hybrid varieties. This kind of rabbit has the advantages of rapid weight gain, less material consumption, high feed conversion rate, and remarkable economic benefit.
2, fattening preparation: the preparation stage of fattening before about 10 days or so, this stage will gradually replace the feed ingredient, to adapt to, in accordance with the dietary requirements at fattening rabbits.
3, fattening start period: fattening period should be to pull the skeleton for the purpose of. Because of short-term fattening, only increase muscle and fat, skin and bones no longer grow. Select the skeleton rabbit fattening, less consumption of raw materials, low cost.
4, fattening feed selection: fattening feed with starch containing more refined material, such as sorghum, wheat, potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, etc.. Winter and spring season can be cooked shredded radish mixed with corn or sorghum flour; summer with high quality alfalfa meal mixed with corn flour, potatoes, sweet potatoes and wheat bran can be cooked. The amount of oil cake fodder collocation. No matter what kind of diet to feed, we must adhere to feed 4 to 6 times a day, and pay attention to feeding at night, as far as possible so that the rabbit eat more. The general use of the following formula: fattening: corn 10%, dry grass 70%, wheat bran 10%, 3%, salt 2%, soybean meal 5%. Finishing late: corn 80%, dry grass, wheat bran 5%, bone meal, salt, 2%, 3%.
5, reduce the consumption of fattening fattening: in order to reduce consumption when, from 3 to 4 months old fattening male rabbits must be castrated, fattening rabbits should be reared in small cages or small wooden box, reduce the volume of activities, let the rabbits eat sleep, in order to gain weight and fat deposition. Hutch should be put in a warm, dry, light dark places, both cold and summer.
山东省蒙阴鑫华种兔场 的长毛兔提供技术支持,更多精彩内容请进入:http://www.myxinhua.com,我们会倾情为您解答。
Provide technical support for the Shandong Province, Mengyin Xinhua Tuchang Angora rabbit, more exciting content, please enter: http://www.myxinhua.com, we will love to answer your questions.