来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin
运输种兔的笼子必须结合,通风良好,用前,笼底放些防震的垫 物。上下笼之间更好用塑料布隔开,笼内有1/4的活动余地,公母兔要分笼。
The cage for transporting rabbits must be combined with safety, well ventilated, sterilized before, and placed with some shockproof cushions at the bottom of the cage. The upper and lower cages are preferably separated from plastic bags. There is room for 1/4 in the cage, and the male and female rabbits are divided into cages.
蒙阴长毛兔运输时间若在28小时内,途中不必饲喂,在装运前喂饱、饮足即可;长时间运 输,可适当喂点胡萝卜或窝窝头,不要过饱。中途休息时,要检查兔群,发现 异常应及时隔离处理。
If the time of transportation is within 28 hours, it is not necessary to feed it on the way, to feed and drink enough before shipment; for long time transportation, the carrot or the head of the nest can be properly fed. During the rest, check the rabbits and find that the abnormality should be segregated in time.
引进种兔以3-4月龄、体重1.5-2.5 公斤为好,5-6月龄也可以,成本略高 。不要急于引进刚断奶的幼兔,也不要购买经运输颠簸易引起流产的怀胎兔。
The introduced rabbit is 3-4 months old and weighed 1.5-2.5 kg, and 5-6 months old. The cost is slightly higher. Do not rush into the introduction of newly weaned young rabbits, nor do they want to buy a rabbit that is susceptible to miscarriage.
引种数量,引种季节。 引种数量取决于饲料、场地、资金及养兔技术等因素。初次引种者,宜少 不宜多,待掌握一定技术后再扩大兔群,如因血缘关系繁殖交差不开时,可另 外引进公兔交配。引种以春秋为宜,冬季也可,要避开炎热的夏季。
The number of introduction, the introduction season. The quantity of introduction depends on factors such as feed, site, fund and rabbit maintenance techniques. For the first time, it should be less than that, and then the rabbit group should be expanded after a certain skill, such as the introduction of a male rabbit to a male rabbit. It is suitable to introduce spring and autumn and winter, and avoid hot summer.
对新引进的种兔要隔离饲养半月左右,确认无病方可与原兔群合养。种兔到达目的地后,先休息1-2小时,然后饮用淡盐水,1小时后开始给饲,喂六成 饱,然后逐渐增常量。
The newly introduced rabbits must be kept in isolation for about half a month, confirming that the disease free party can be combined with the original rabbit group. After reaching the destination, the hare first rested for 1-2 hours, then drank the brine, then began feeding 60% hours after 1 hours, then gradually increased to constant.
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