来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin
1、选择良种 我国的长毛兔良种主要有中系、德系、法系长毛兔。从20世纪80年代中期以来,我国又开展了长毛兔的选育工作,先后培育出了多个长毛兔新品系。像沂蒙长毛兔,1999年通过了山东省畜禽品种审定委员会的审定命名,具有产毛量高(年产毛量1830克)、粗毛率高(平均粗毛含量18.2%)、繁殖率高(平均产仔7.86只)、适应性强、抗病力强和体型外貌一致、遗传性能稳定等特点,为公认的长毛兔新品系。引种时应注意选择这些品种。
1. Selection of improved breeds the improved breeds of long haired rabbit in China mainly include Chinese long haired rabbit, German long haired rabbit and legal long haired rabbit. Since the mid-1980s, China has carried out the breeding of long haired rabbit, and has cultivated a number of new long haired rabbit lines. Yimeng long haired rabbit, for example, was approved and named by Shandong livestock and poultry variety Approval Committee in 1999. It is a recognized new strain of long haired rabbit with the characteristics of high wool yield (annual wool yield 1830g), high coarse wool rate (average coarse wool content 18.2%), high reproduction rate (average litter yield 7.86), strong adaptability, strong disease resistance, consistent body shape and appearance, stable genetic performance and so on. Attention should be paid to the selection of these excellent varieties during introduction.
2、选择可靠的引种场 现在种兔场繁多,但有些种兔场种兔生产不规范,质量难以保证。为防止受骗,引到纯正的良种,应从建场历史较长,有较强的技术力量和一定生产规模,管理规范且具有当地市级以上畜牧主管部门颁发的《种畜禽生产经营许可证》和《种畜禽合格证》的种兔场引种。

2. Select reliable introduction farms. There are many rabbit breeding farms now, but the production of rabbits in some rabbit breeding farms is not standardized and the quality is difficult to guarantee. In order to prevent being cheated and introduce pure and improved varieties, rabbit breeding farms with a long history of construction, strong technical force, certain production scale, standardized management and the production and operation license of breeding livestock and poultry and the qualification certificate of breeding livestock and poultry issued by the local competent animal husbandry department at or above the municipal level should be introduced.
3、选择个体 不论是引种还是自家兔场留作种用的长毛兔个体,一定要具备典型的品种特征。要经过细心的选择,仔细观察长毛兔的外部形态特点,如体型、体格、被毛密度(特别是腹毛、腿毛密度)。凡不符合本品种外貌特征的一定不能选作种用,有生理缺陷或畸形的,无论是先天性的还是后天性的,同样不能选作种用。
3. The selection of excellent individuals, whether introduced or reserved for breeding in their own rabbit farm, must have typical breed characteristics. After careful selection, carefully observe the external morphological characteristics of long haired rabbits, such as body shape, physique and hair density (especially abdominal hair and leg hair density). Those that do not meet the appearance characteristics of this variety must not be selected for seed use. Those with physiological defects or deformities, whether congenital or acquired, cannot be selected for seed use.
4、严格选配种兔 一定要控制一定的血缘关系,杜绝近亲交配。为了防止近交衰退现象的出现,要保持一定数量的基础群,一般规模兔场,少应有10只6个以上血统且血缘关系较远的种公兔,必要时可以从外地引进种公兔进行血缘更新,以减缓近交系数的上升,获得高品质的后代。
4. Strict selection of breeding rabbits must control a certain blood relationship and eliminate inbreeding. In order to prevent the decline of inbreeding, a certain number of basic groups should be maintained. Generally, there should be at least 10 male rabbits with more than 6 lineages and distant blood relationship in the rabbit farm. If necessary, male rabbits can be introduced from abroad for blood relationship renewal, so as to slow down the rise of inbreeding coefficient and obtain high-quality offspring.
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