Angora rabbit Sarcoptes scabiei is a parasitic disease of Sarcoptes scabiei parasitized on the skin. Up to now, no vaccine has been provided for prevention. The hairy rabbit manufacturer believes that the following measures should be taken for prevention:
1. Regularly disinfect Angolan rabbit houses, Angolan rabbit cages and utensils. The cage floor should be regularly soaked in 2% trichlorfon solution for washing. After washing, it should be dried and disinfected with flame blowtorch.
2. Regularly check the Angolan rabbits. Once the disease is found, the sick Angolan rabbits must be isolated and treated in time. The Angolan rabbit houses and cages should be thoroughly disinfected to minimize the transmission range.
Treatment: During treatment, the hair around the affected part should be cut off first, the scab skin should be softened with warm water, carefully scraped off, and then coated to improve the efficacy. The treatment is as follows:
A. 灭虫丁注射液:每公斤体重皮下注射0.2毫升,也可涂擦患部。
A. Michongding injection: 0.2 ml per kilogram of body weight can be injected subcutaneously, or applied to the affected part.
B. 2%敌百虫水溶液或软膏擦洗,浸泡或涂抹患部,每日1次,每隔7天继续一次,及。
B. Scrub, soak or smear the affected part with 2% trichlorfon aqueous solution or ointment once a day, and continue once every 7 days until it is cured.
C. 碘等油合剂耳螨,以5%碘酊3份,甘油7份涂擦患部。
C. For the treatment of ear mites, 3 portions of 5% iodine tincture and 7 portions of glycerin were smeared on the affected part.
D. 0.1乐杀螨溶液涂擦患部,每日一次,每隔7天继续一次。
D. 0.1 Smear the affected part with oxacarid solution once a day and continue every 7 days.
E. 用5%的紫金锭和10%的敌百虫配成药液涂擦患处。在涂药两分钟后,用干布擦去残留药液,再撒上爽身粉,这样既,而且率又高。
E. Apply 5% purple gold ingot and 10% trichlorfon to the affected part. After two minutes of coating, wipe off the residual liquid medicine with a dry cloth, and then sprinkle talcum powder, which is safe and has a high cure rate.

F. Buy a small amount of baibu from a Chinese medicine shop and soak it in rice wine. Then take its extract and apply it to the affected part with a clean brush dipped in the liquid medicine. After three consecutive days of medication, this prescription can also cure angora rabbit lice.
No matter which method is used for treatment, attention should be paid to:
A. 用药前一定要将患部与健康皮肤交界处的皮肤用小刀刮糙,再行用药,因为虫体大多聚集在交界处。
A. Before medication, the skin at the junction of the affected part and the healthy skin must be roughened with a knife, and then the medication can be used, because most of the worms gather at the junction.
B. 时要有耐心,由于皮下的虫卵经7~15天又可发育为成虫。而药液仅可杀灭成虫,对虫卵作用甚微,故应在一个疗程后,停7~10天再重复一个疗程,以免前功尽弃。
B. Be patient when treating, because the eggs under the skin can develop into adults after 7 to 15 days. However, the liquid medicine can only kill the adult worms and has little effect on the eggs, so it should be stopped for 7 to 10 days after a course of treatment to repeat a course of treatment, so as not to lose all previous efforts.
C. 因安哥拉兔子不耐药浴,不能将整只安哥拉兔子浸泡于药液中,仅可依次分部位。
C. Because Angora rabbits are not resistant to medicine bath, the whole Angora rabbits cannot be immersed in the medicine solution, and can only be treated in different parts in turn.
In addition, strict disinfection should be combined with repeated treatment. Scabies must be treated with strict disinfection of the surrounding environment, so as to reduce the chance of infection and recurrence rate. Follow us http://www.myxinhua.com , take you to know more!