来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin
Long hair rabbit breeding manufacturers believe that meat rabbits, rex rabbits and long hair rabbits all have their specific nutritional needs, and they should reasonably prepare feed+according to the nutritional needs of rabbits at various stages such as variety, age, use and different feeding standards to achieve good economic benefits.
Some rural rabbit farmers rely too much on additives. Instead of using additives according to the rabbit population, they think that the more additives, the better for rabbits. This not only increases the feed cost and causes waste, but also different additives have antagonistic effects on each other. They can not achieve the expected effect, and even poisoning will occur, causing losses.
In addition, the beneficial microbial flora in the gastrointestinal tract of rabbits can not play its normal physiological function well due to the drastic change of nutritional conditions and the decline of microbial biological activity when the feed suddenly changes.

However, at present, it is common to raise rabbits in rural areas with single feed composition and unreasonable feed formula, and even to feed rabbits with pig, chicken and other animal feeds. This will result in insufficient nutrition or waste of rabbits. At the same time, the feed protein and energy of pigs and chickens are too high, which will not only cause unnecessary waste, but also bring great burden to the rabbit's digestive system, causing various diseases in the digestive system.
At present, the rabbit feed in rural areas is mostly harvested at home, and different crops are harvested in different seasons. Therefore, when feeding, there is always something to feed. The refueling is very sudden, and there is no transition period for gradual replacement.
In fact, rabbits have a very sensitive sense of smell, and are very sensitive to slight changes in feed ingredients. Sudden changes in feed will affect the appetite of rabbits or cause excessive food intake at home, and make it difficult for rabbits' digestive organs to adapt to the new feed for a while, affecting their digestive ability, and even causing epidemics. Therefore, there should be at least a certain transition period when changing feed.
The feed formula and replacement of rural rabbits should pay attention to scientific and reasonable contents. What do you think of this? Welcome to our website http://www.myxinhua.com Contact and communicate!