
发布日期:2022-12-30 来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin

The freezing of rabbits is generally caused by the following three conditions, such as the rabbit litter box is not prepared and placed in advance, the female rabbit does not give birth in the litter box or the rabbits hang their milk, and the rabbits are taken to the outside by the female rabbit to be frozen to death. No matter what causes the rabbit to be frozen, the owner should take timely measures to deal with the rabbit. What can the owner do? Now let's learn about the first aid for the frozen rabbit!
1. Warm water first aid
First pour an appropriate amount of warm water at about 40 ℃ into the basin, and then soak the frozen rabbits in warm water, but pay attention to exposing the nostrils of the rabbits to prevent asphyxia. Then gently lift the head of the rabbit with your hand and shake it in warm water. After about 10-20 minutes, the rabbit starts to wriggle slightly. At this time, the owner can lift the rabbit out of the water and dry the hair of the rabbit, then wrap the rabbit with soft cotton wool and put it back in the litter box prepared for the rabbit!
Common causes of long haired rabbits being frozen
2. Towel wrap heating method
Wrap the frozen rabbit with a clean and soft towel, pay attention to exposing the head of the rabbit, and then place the wrapped rabbit in a warm place or nearby, such as near a fire or above a warm water bag, while gently turning the rabbit until the rabbit wakes up.
3. Body temperature heating
Put the frozen Angora rabbits into a group of rabbits slightly larger than Angora rabbits, and then cover the Angora rabbits with soft cotton towels or soft cloth, with only two exposed. Be careful not to cover the Angora rabbits too thick to avoid suffocating them. Generally, after 2-3 hours, the frozen rabbit will wake up slowly.
However, no matter what causes the rabbit to be frozen, as long as the rabbit's heart is still beating, the owner cannot delay, and must take emergency measures for the frozen rabbit in time. Come to our website for more information http://www.myxinhua.com Consult!