来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:创始人
1. Feeding and management during the empty period
During the empty period, female rabbits should not be raised too thin or too fat, and should maintain a moderate fat condition. It can be solved by adjusting the nutritional level of the feed in the period before mating.
2. Management during pregnancy
(1) Strengthen nutrition. Special emphasis should be placed on enhancing fetal nutrition. After 10-12 days of mating, the mother rabbit can be checked for pregnancy. Once pregnancy is confirmed, feeding should begin. Without changing the feed formula, the feeding quantity should be increased by 20-30% compared to before. Pregnant rabbits experience a significant decrease in appetite 2-3 days before delivery, and at this time, they should mainly be fed with palatable green feed.
(2) Strengthen nursing care. Hair collection should not be done during pregnancy to prevent miscarriage. Capturing rabbits should be done with gentle movements to avoid eliminating various factors that may startle the rabbits. Miscarriage often occurs between the 12th and 25th day of pregnancy, and this period should be taken seriously.
(3) Pay close attention to the delivery of offspring. If there is still no litter or difficult delivery after 2 days beyond the due date, artificial induction of labor can be performed. The method is to first inject 2 milliliters of procaine injection around the genital area to loosen the birth canal, and then inject one tube of oxytocin into the inner hind leg muscle. After delivery, it is necessary to promptly feed the female rabbit with green feed and water.
4. Management of lactation period
Three to five days after giving birth, due to the low amount of milk suckling by the young rabbits, they can be fed with less or no concentrated feed and more green feed. In the future, as the suckling amount of the young rabbits increases, the feeding amount of the mother rabbits should also gradually increase until the young rabbits start to be supplemented around 20 days of age. The peak lactation of female rabbits occurs around 21 days postpartum and gradually decreases thereafter.