
发布日期:2024-10-14 来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:创始人

01  这些可爱乖巧的小家伙,是以本地长毛兔为基础导入法系和德系血统,培育出来的混血品种。它具有遗传性能稳定,品种优良,产毛质量好等优势,它就是鲁南蒙阴长毛兔。鲁南蒙阴长毛兔耐粗饲,适应能力强,在广大地区都能养殖。?

  These cute and well behaved little ones are a hybrid breed developed by importing French and German bloodlines based on local long haired rabbits. It has advantages such as stable genetic performance, excellent variety, and good wool quality. It is the Lunan Mengyin Long haired Rabbit. The Lunan Mengyin Long haired Rabbit is resistant to rough feeding and has strong adaptability, making it suitable for breeding in a wide range of areas.?

  在选种方面,养殖户对于种兔的选择也有一定的标准,公兔要发育好、抗病强、性欲旺。母兔要体型大,粗毛含量高,产毛量高。3月龄后公母分开饲养,防止早配。非配种期种兔给予中等营养水平,不能使其过肥或过瘦。配种前1个月,喂足全价饲料的同时增喂胡萝卜、米糠,提高公兔性能力。毛兔配种时要剪毛。配种时把母兔捉到公兔笼内,不宜在母兔笼内进行。配种时间,春秋季节宜早晨或下午4点后进行,夏季宜在夜间凉爽时进行,冬季可在中午配种。公兔每日可配种2次,隔日进行。母兔应隔月繁殖。孕兔的饲养。孕兔以青饲料为主,适当增加精料,补充高蛋白、矿物质、维生素。临产前要注意观察母兔的动向,把临产母兔放入铺有软草的箱内,并在箱内放一碗红糖水,以防母兔因口渴而吞食仔兔。母兔哺乳期要多喂小米汤、熟豆汁,供给充足的清洁饮水,补喂精料、青绿多汁饲料。分娩后母仔分离,每日喂 3~5次。注意适量饲喂。它们以饲喂牧素草、禾荬草等青粗牧草为主,约占全部日粮的70-80%,成年兔每天需青饲料800克左右,幼兔以400-500克为宜。牧草养兔要做到少喂勤添,牧草尽可能做到多样化,在青饲料充足的情况下,要适当增加精饲料中麸皮、豆粕、玉米的比例,并注意给兔补充矿物质。??

  In terms of breeding, farmers also have certain standards for selecting breeding rabbits. Male rabbits should have good development, strong disease resistance, and strong sexual desire. Female rabbits should have a large body size, high coarse hair content, and high hair production. After 3 months of age, males and females should be raised separately to prevent early mating. During the non breeding period, rabbits should be given a moderate level of nutrition and should not be made too fat or too thin. One month before mating, while feeding full priced feed, increase the feeding of carrots and rice bran to improve the sexual performance of male rabbits. When breeding rabbits, their fur needs to be trimmed. When mating, it is not advisable to capture the female rabbit in the male rabbit cage. Mating time: It is advisable to do it after 4 o'clock in the morning or afternoon in spring and autumn, during cool nights in summer, and at noon in winter. Male rabbits can be bred twice a day, every other day. Mother rabbits should breed every other month. Breeding of pregnant rabbits. Pregnant rabbits are mainly fed with green feed, with an appropriate increase in concentrated feed, supplemented with high protein, minerals, and vitamins. Before giving birth, pay attention to the movements of the mother rabbit. Place the mother rabbit in a box covered with soft grass and put a bowl of brown sugar water inside the box to prevent the mother rabbit from swallowing the baby rabbit due to thirst. During lactation, female rabbits should feed more millet soup and cooked fermented sour milk made from ground mung bean wow gold, provide sufficient clean water, and supplement with concentrate and green and juicy feed. After delivery, the mother and baby are separated and fed 3-5 times a day. Pay attention to moderate feeding. They mainly feed on green and coarse grass such as shepherd's grass and wolfberry, accounting for about 70-80% of the total diet. Adult rabbits need about 800 grams of green feed per day, and young rabbits should consume 400-500 grams. When raising rabbits with grass, it is necessary to feed them less and add more frequently. Grass should be as diverse as possible. In the case of sufficient green feed, the proportion of bran, soybean meal, and corn in the concentrated feed should be appropriately increased, and attention should be paid to supplementing minerals for rabbits.??


  It is essential for farmers to take preventive measures. In the past, due to financial constraints in rural areas, many farmers only raised animals without disease prevention. When they fell ill, it was often too late to treat them, resulting in a large number of rabbit deaths. Many people have developed a misconception that rabbits are prone to illness and death. In fact, raising rabbits is just like raising other livestock, the methods are easy to master and everyone can learn. As long as we do a good job in epidemic prevention, it is both cost-effective and efficient, and the incidence of rabbit diseases is relatively low.

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