
发布日期:2024-09-21 来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:创始人


  1. The selection of breeds for long haired rabbits is not singular. When choosing to breed long haired rabbits, we need to choose those that are relatively robust, have fuller fur, smoother fur, strong disease resistance, and live with fast fur. Because the genetic makeup of long haired rabbits is still relatively strong and very stable, we need to select the highest quality breeds during breeding, so that the economic benefits of breeding can be higher.01


  2. We all know that rabbits are relatively timid in the construction of breeding farms, so long haired rabbits are no exception. As long haired rabbits have more and thicker fur, they are more afraid of heat. Generally, breeding farms choose places that are sunny, warm in winter and cool in summer, relatively dry with good air circulation, and relatively quiet. Yuanbao is usually raised in cages, so it is necessary to have three-dimensional breeding boxes and cages in the breeding farm, and separate drinking and eating troughs should be set up.


  3. During the breeding process, adult rabbits are usually housed in cages one by one, which makes management more convenient. Additionally, long haired rabbits are much larger in size than ordinary rabbits, allowing them ample space for free movement. But for young rabbits, we need to manage them separately during the breeding process, and at the same time, we need to pay attention to keeping female rabbits and male rabbits separately. In general, they only need to be fed three times a day, once in the morning, once in the middle of the day, and once in the evening. During the day, they are mainly fed with grass, while at night, they are mainly fed with concentrated feed. If their growth is promoted in the future, they may also be given extra meals in the evening. Finally, it is important to remember to feed them water on time every day.


  4. The daily management of long haired rabbits is actually very simple. It is necessary to clean the hygiene of the breeding farm and rabbit house in a timely manner every day, and clean up the food residue after each feeding. Disinfect the breeding farm, rabbit cage, drinking and eating troughs every five to seven days to prevent bacterial infection.


  5. We mainly focus on producing rabbit hair for disease prevention and control of long haired rabbits. In order to improve the quality and yield of rabbit hair, we need to prevent the occurrence of rabbit mite ringworm disease. After each shearing, we can inject an appropriate amount of avermectin into each rabbit. At the same time, preparations should be made to prevent rabbit plague and Pasteurella, and specific medication can be consulted.


  6. In the process of raising long haired rabbits, we need to use methods such as alcohol mixed with ginger, chives mixed with soybeans, raw eggs, cysteine, cod liver oil, and other trace elements to induce hair growth. It usually takes about three months to conduct the initial hair collection, otherwise it will affect the growth and quality of rabbit hair. Adult long haired rabbits need to have their hair pulled out at least once a year and collected twice. The collected rabbit hair should be packaged in batches.

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