来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin
Today we Mengyin Angora rabbit manufacturers Xiaobian to introduce the misunderstanding what rabbit farm:
A kind of hybrid seed, then. Two rabbit breeds of Hybrid F1, a big, strong disease resistance, enhancement, fast growth, but not for a. Because the rabbit hybrid genetic performance is not stable, offspring will appear serious character separation, slow growth, disease resistance weakened, reducing feed.
Two, blind introduction. The lack of detailed understanding of rabbit breeds blindly introduced, the introduction of rabbit quality is poor, sick or impure. This is the main reason for many rabbit households suffered losses.
Three, continuous blood distribution. A lot of rabbit households, in order to make rabbit prolific rabbit, continuous distribution of blood, not taking into account the mother rabbit's body condition and seasonal effects, cause produce rabbit many, rabbit. Blood with a nest of the best rest and a half months after the match, while ensuring the nutritional balance.
Four, the abuse of additives. Some farmers keep rabbits, not according to the rabbit group targeted use of additives, but the more the more the better for the rabbit. This not only increases the cost of feed, resulting in waste, but also due to the antagonism between different additives, not only can not reach the expected results, and even poisoning, resulting in loss of.
Five, feed a single feed. Some rabbit family, in order to save trouble, always feed a material. Rabbit rabbit family should be based on the variety, age, etc., with the full price of feed and reasonable, in order to improve the utilization rate of feed, increase the income of the rabbit.
Six, feed mainly supplemented by grass. The rabbit is a herbivorous animal, not too much for feed. Some rabbit family, in order to make rabbit fast long, the excessive increase of feeding amount of fine material. This will not only increase the feed costs, but also increase the burden of the intestinal tract in rabbits, affect the normal metabolism, intestinal disease caused by multiple.
Seven, epidemic prevention, disinfection, dosing synchronization. Many households raise rabbit, habits after inoculation, disinfected immediately that it can completely eliminate pathogeny, or in order to prevent stress feeding a large number of drugs, the result of the impact of vaccine immune effect and lead to decreased immunity and vaccination failure.