来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin
Summer air temperature is high, humidity is big, the growth of Angora rabbit extremely unfavorable, it is most difficult to raise a season, so there is a "winter difficulty, midsummer is difficult to support," said. So the summer feeding management work is to focus on the sunstroke. Today, we are long haired rabbit small series to introduce to you is the summer long haired rabbit breeding methods:
Before the volt shearing cooling for the Angora rabbit security aestivation, before the volt on the size of the rabbit to shearing, keep hair period may be properly shortened to 6 to 7 weeks, rabbit raising hair period should be shorter, young rabbit cutter head hair may be appropriate in advance shear, to facilitate cooling cooling.
adjust the feeding time at noon in summer is hot, Angora rabbit showed loss of appetite. Therefore, we must do breakfast every day feeding early feeding, dinner late Hello, Chinese feed green feed. Should focus on feeding 80% in the morning and evening feeding, in order to reduce daytime food intake and activity.
Pay attention to the ventilation cooling summer rabbit homes should pay attention to a cool ventilated, can't let direct sunlight to the rabbit hutch; cage temperature over 30 DEG C, can be used to. Surface splashing water cooling; open-air Warren to early build of the arbor planting melons, grapes and other climbing plants; no roof to the rabbit hutch, south facing windows to curtain shade; conditional Warren can be equipped with exhaust ventilation, to keep the indoor air circulation.
An adequate supply of drinking water in hot season to ensure the supply of adequate, clean drinking water, Warren conditional best installation automatic waterer, ensure water supply 24 hours a day. In order to prevent the digestive tract diseases. Drinking 0.01% Potassium Permanganate water or 0.02% furazolidone lingshui.
do a good job cleaning the summer because mosquitoes breed, easy to breed bacteria, we must do a good job cleaning work. Cage to clean, fresh basin must be washed 1 times a day, the ground should be used to spray disinfectant liquid, feed to prevent mildew.