来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin
How do you know when a rabbit is sick? Here we Mengyin long haired rabbit factory on this issue, for everyone to explain.
Master three points to quickly identify whether the rabbit is sick:
Touch: touch and healthy rabbit will in the cage to dodge, and physically strong, back and waist muscle plump, powerful limbs bounce; rabbit disease often do not dodge, inability to move, physique emaciated, waist angle was bare, spine like abacus beads.
Look: mainly to see the feces. Normal feces granular, delicate, surface light, like youpi. If rabbit row stem thick and hard fecal pellets, rabbit constipation, should increase feed green juicy feed; such as rabbit fecal grains were tadpole shaped. It is showed that gastrointestinal diseases should be charcoal powder is added in the feed, and shall be subject to separate treatment; if manure showing the heap shape or thin is in water, sometimes with blood or mucus in the mixed, bubble, and accompanied by the smell, mostly of diarrhea or colitis.
Survey: on the basis of the investigation, see, touch, and then test the body temperature. Healthy rabbit body temperature is 38.5 DEG ~40 DEG, and higher than that of adult rabbit rabbit, aged rabbit was lower than that in young rabbits. At the same time, the summer rabbit body temperature is slightly higher than the winter, afternoon is slightly higher than the morning.
When the rabbit is sick, we may sometimes do not know how to judge, so, in the process of rabbit, we should first understand some of the following. If the ear redness or pale purple, it indicates that the heating and ventilation should be strengthened; if the ear white, cold, drink cold water and chill, heard the sound of water within the abdominal cavity should be placed in the heated kang belly warm; if two ear close together, it is thirsty, drinking warm water with salt.