来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin
Today, we Mengyin long wool rabbit small series to introduce to you is the rabbit breeding in summer:
A, reasonable feed in the summer air temperature is high, the rabbit's appetite is not good, feeding should be do "breakfast, lunch, dinner full night with grass" to arrange a day feeding of 80% in the morning and evening, noon more appropriate feeding some green, succulent feed, while providing enough clean drinking water, and in the water by adding 1-2% of the salt, to supplement the body of salt consumption, is beneficial to prevention of potato, to quench their thirst. In addition, it is necessary to pay special attention to food hygiene, do do not feed plants, do not feed with mud green materials, do not feed a fever accumulation of feed, do not feed feed mildew metamorphic; when necessary, in the feed mix in a small amount of garlic, onions, leeks, etc. to prevent diarrhea, gastroenteritis, etc. the diseases.
Second, stop breeding hot summer weather, even no sperm semen quality of male rabbit difference, mother rabbit wasting, pregnancy and birth tend to reduce the amount of lactation, can not meet the needs of the young rabbits. At the same time, the sickly mother rabbit, is not conducive to the autumn breeding. Therefore, in the absence of special cooling measures under the conditions of the summer should stop breeding and reproduction.
Three, timely advance shearing sunstroke. Captive rabbit, rabbit cage placed in a cool, ventilated place; open up the rabbit, in rabbit houses built around the arbor or planting shade trees, flowers. If shed temperature is too high, in ground splash some cold water cooling, often also can pave the way of dry sand, slag or lime, can also in rabbit homes put two 8-10 cm from the ground strips of wood bed, induced rabbit to go to bed, to the rabbit proof happen the wet and cause illness.
Four, heatstroke prevention in summer high temperature, high humidity, germs multiply rapidly, to pay special attention to sunstroke prevention, disease prevention; maintain rabbit shed is clean and sanitary, do hutch often scrub, floor frequently change, fecal ground clearance, feed wash disinfection to prevent spread of disease.
Five, the environment must be static Angora rabbit timid, afraid of surprised, a hear abnormal noise or saw a strange animal, mental stress, loss of appetite, especially sudden panic easily give rise to the onset. Production, we must pay attention to keep the environment quiet, do not let domestic animals and poultry into the rabbit, do not let outsiders into the house to visit.