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Darkened hares manufacturers to introduce you to how to hares comb hair, hair?
1) 梳毛:从幼兔到大兔,当长毛兔兔毛长到3 厘米长时,必须每周梳毛一次。方法是提起兔身体前部,呈站立姿势,用人用头梳顺毛方向,将兔全身毛刮顺,更后梳颈和头耳部毛。如遇到毛中有渣滓混杂,宜逆毛挑松取出渣滓后,顺毛向刮伸兔毛; 发现兔毛结块时,小心撕开,再用梳子刮顺。
1) carding: from immature rabbit to rabbit, when long haired rabbit rabbit hair grow to 3 cm in length, must comb hair once a week. Method is to mention rabbit the front of the body, in standing posture, with the head of choose and employ persons to comb the hair direction, the rabbit body hair blowing, the comb the neck and head ear hairs. If hairs mixed with dross, appropriate against hair pick after remove the dross, to shave wool and rabbit hair; Tear found rabbit hair agglomerate, careful, again with comb scraping.
2)采毛:一年采毛4 次,即一季度采毛一次。幼兔以在出生后2 个月剪胎毛为宜。采毛的方式有两种:一是拔毛,适合在春末和深秋换毛时节,扯长留短,提高毛质和售价,促进新毛生长。一般在兔换毛季节不宜剪毛,因剪毛而毛根未脱, 会阻碍新毛长出,出现新毛生长稀疏或局部不长。拔毛时,宜小撮小撮地扯。对怀孕母兔、哺乳母兔、幼兔暂不拔毛;另一种是剪毛,将兔放在桌上,左手肘突轻压兔头部,手掌压兔背腰,将兔安静地固定,右手持梳子将兔背毛顺脊柱方向左右梳开,再用剪刀由臀向颈开剪,再剪体侧、四肢、腹部、尾毛,更后剪耳毛。剪毛时将兔皮绷紧些,贴近毛根分层剪。不牵拉兔皮肤,以免剪伤皮肉。剪到胸腹时要避开乳头,对公兔要避免剪伤睾丸,剪下的兔毛要按毛的长度和质量分级存放。特级为6.5 厘米以上,一级为5.1 厘米以上,二级为3.8 厘米以上,三级为2.5 厘米以上,凡粘结、黄次均属此级。
2) collects MAO: adopt hair 4 times a year, which is collected in the first quarter of hair. Immature rabbit to cut in 2 months after birth lanugo is advisable. Adopt hair in one of two ways: one is defeathering, suitable for in the late spring and autumn season moult, pull, fresh short, improve hair and prices, promote the growth of new hair. Generally unfavorable shearing in rabbit molt season, because of the shearing and hair root, hinder the new hair grow, grow new hair thinning or local is not long. Defeathering, appropriate little pinch of pinch of pull. To be pregnant mother rabbit, lactation mother rabbit, immature rabbit temporarily not defeathering; Is another kind of shearing, the rabbit on the table and left elbow light pressure rabbit head, palm press back waist, rabbit to rabbit fixed quietly, right hand holding a comb to comb the direction of the rabbit back feather down the spine about again by the hip on the neck, with scissors to cut sides, limbs, abdominal, tail hair, ear hair cut in the end. The rabbit skin taut when shearing, close to the hair root layered shear. Don't pull the rabbit skin, so as not to cut flesh injury. Cut to the chest to avoid nipple, brought to the rabbit to avoid testicular injury, cut cut of rabbit hair deposit according to the length of the hair and quality classification. Premium is 6.5 centimeters of above, level of 5.1 centimeters of above, the secondary is 3.8 centimeters of above, level 3 is 2.5 centimeters of above, bonding, yellow time are belong to this class.