来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin
一、 不讲科学,管理粗放。有的养兔户不讲科学,自以为是,以散养为主,笼养为辅。这样饲养方法是不科学的,獭兔是为了要皮毛,皮毛好就能多卖钱,皮毛差就少卖钱,为了减少皮毛的损害,獭兔必须进行笼养,这样才能产出好的皮张。有的人不注意环境卫生,不及时清理粪便,舍内通风不良,氨气过大臭气熏天,笼底粪便发酵成堆。
First, do not talk about science, extensive management. Some rabbit households do not speak science, opinionated, mainly in the backyard, supplemented by cage. This feeding method is not scientific, Rex is to sell fur, fur can be good, bad fur less money, in order to reduce the damage to fur, rabbit cage, so as to produce good skin. Some people do not pay attention to sanitation, not timely clean up feces, indoor ventilation, excessive ammonia stink, cage bottom fermentation of dung piles.
Drinking water is not clean, the water box is smelly, and the water color is discolored. This situation not only affects the growth of Rex, but also cause skin hair dry, not shiny, feel bad, and gastrointestinal tract, severe respiratory disease, especially young, young rabbits have been seriously affected, high incidence, death, and even some farmers caused the situation not rabbit rabbit.
Two, inbreeding, breeding premature. Some users do not pay attention to rabbit breeding varieties, the term does not replace the male rabbit, inbreeding coefficient is serious, cause degradation of varieties, some rabbit breeding households early, especially in high price, fry kind of climax, it was about 4 months for female rabbit breeding, even with continuous blood, make a litter of offspring as a nest, on the wane, resulting in rabbit body small and weak, slow growth of this situation is difficult to produce high-quality rex.
Three, slaughter time is too early. Some rabbit households quality not quantity, Rex growth in more than 5 pounds sold, no matter how to cause premature hair growth, slaughter, poor quality of fur. Rex according to the requirements of common feeding in 5-6 months to sell, the longer and better quality, the higher the price. Premature selling results in thin skin and bad toughness, and the hair is empty and thin. The rabbit population should be prepared according to the quality and the bad of the hair and the season, so as to receive good economic benefits.
Four, malnutrition, what feed what?. Due to price fluctuations, some people think that the rabbit is a grazing animal, so the grass based, what is what to feed, concentrate supplement, protein, amino acids and vitamins required by a serious shortage of rex.