来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin
Phenotypic selection
Phenotypic selection, also known as quality matching, is a method of selecting a female rabbit based on apparent traits or qualities. It can be divided into two types: the same type selection and the odd type selection.
positive assortative mating
The same type selection is to select the same nature and performance of the same male and female rabbit breeding, in order to obtain similar good offspring. The more similar they are, the more likely it is to pass on the same good qualities to their offspring. The aim is to maintain and consolidate these fine traits in future generations, and to transform individual qualities into group qualities and to increase the number of good individuals. For example, in order to increase the growth rate of rabbit populations, male female rabbits with fast growth rate can be chosen to mate with their offspring to maintain this fine trait. Therefore, this method is suitable for excellent male and female rabbits.
negative assortative mating
There are two types of special selection. One is to choose the male and female rabbits with different excellent traits, in order to combine the two characters, so as to obtain offspring with different parents' advantages. For example, choose the hair growth speed and rabbit density of the male and female rabbits mated to offspring hair growth speed and hair density, the offspring of wool yield increase.
Another situation is that the male and female rabbits of the same character are chosen to mate with each other, which is called "superior to bad", and good characters are used to correct the bad characters. For example, in this species, some better reproductive performance of meat rabbits, but slower growth rate, you can choose one of the fastest growing meat rabbits matched, so the offspring not only high fecundity and growth rate is faster. Practice has proved that this is a kind of effective selection method that can be used to improve many characters.
Age matching
Age selection is a method of selecting matches according to the age between the male and female rabbits. The age of the rabbit significantly affected its reproductive performance. The general young rabbit breeding ability is poor, with a gradual increase in growth performance of age, 1 years old to 2 years old reproductive performance gradually reached the peak, and decreased gradually after 2 and a half years old. In our country, feeding and management conditions, the general use of rabbits at the age of 3 to 4 years old. Therefore, in the practice of raising rabbits, it is generally advocated that the male rabbits should be matched with the young rabbits. 0..