1. 单笼饲养 笼养长毛兔有利于提高兔毛品质,毛色洁白,富有光泽,结块毛少;圈养长毛兔,臀、腹部毛多呈尿黄色,兔毛强度、伸展度明显下降,块毛多,品质差。
1 single cage cage is conducive to improving the quality of Angora rabbit hair, white coat color, luster, caking hair less; in Angora rabbit, buttock, abdominal hair in urine yellow, rabbit hair strength, elongation decreased, piece of hair, poor quality.
2. 加强营养 长毛兔除了生长、繁殖之外,还要长毛,必须保证充足的营养水平。据试验,长毛兔营养充足,体质健壮,不仅产毛量高,而且毛质好;如营养不良,则兔毛干枯,块毛多、品质差。
2 strengthen nutrition Angora rabbit in addition to growth and reproduction, but also outside, hairy, must ensure that adequate nutrition level. According to the experiment, Angora rabbit nutrition, strong physique, not only the wool yield, and wool quality; such as malnutrition, is hair dry hair, poor quality, block.
3 .加强管理 环境卫生对兔毛质量影响很大。笼舍清洁、干燥,有利于减少污染毛量,提高兔毛品质。此外,兔毛要勤梳理,防缠结。喂料时要防止草屑、饲料、灰尘污染被毛,影响兔毛品质。
3 to strengthen the management of environmental health impact of rabbit hair quality. The cage cleaning, drying, to reduce the pollution of hair, improve hair quality. In addition, rabbit hair should wash combs, anti tangle. Feeding to prevent clipping, feed, dust coat, affect hair quality.

4 .合理采毛 根据季节等具体情况,合理选择剪毛和拔毛等采毛方法。一般夏季以剪毛为主,冬季以拔毛为主,这样既可促进兔毛生长,提高兔毛质量,又有利于兔体健康。
4 reasonable mining hair according to the season and other specific circumstances, reasonable selection of shearing and pull hair, hair method. General summer to shearing, winter to pull hair, it can promote hair growth, improve the hair quality, but also beneficial to the body health of rabbit.
5 .兔毛保管 为提高兔毛品质,无论采用何种采毛方法,均应实行分级采毛、分级收购、分级保管和分级调运的“四分”法。保存兔毛时,应注意防潮、防虫蛀、防缠结。
In order to improve the quality of care 5 Angora rabbit hair, regardless of the Mao method which adopt, they should implement the classification, grading, grading buy wool harvest storage and transportation of the classification of "four points" method. Preservation of rabbit hair, should pay attention to moisture, anti moth, anti tangle.