(1) build a rabbit hutch. The rabbit hutches should choose high and dry, good drainage, ventilation, sunny south facing retreat built. This should adopt the semi open, cage width 70 cm, 80 cm deep, 50 cm high. The cage with bamboo is appropriate, the bottom of the cage material should be soft and smooth.
(2)选择品种。种兔的选择关重要,务必要到正规良种场引进纯种。种兔要求发育良好、体格健壮、绒毛细密、色泽一致、产毛量高,具个体大、颈 粗壮、胸背宽、腰部长、臂部阔、眼有神、耳壳大。此外,选择种公兔还必须有发育正常的睾丸和旺盛的交配能力,一遇母兔立即爬跨交配;选择种母兔则要求后档 宽、性温顺、产仔多、乳房发达,奶头于少8个以上且排列均匀、粗大柔软、泌乳量多。种兔切忌过肥过瘦,以中等偏上膘为度。
(2) select varieties. It is important to choose the stock, must be to the formal introduction of purebred breeding farm. The rabbit asked well developed, physically strong, fine hair, color consistency, made Mao Lianggao, with the individual, neck, chest, waist thick back width, arm width, length, ear big eyes of god. In addition, choice of male rabbit must have normal testis and vigorous mating, a female rabbit immediately climb cross mating; select the parent rabbit is required after the file wide, gentle nature, litter size, breast nipple to the less developed, more than 8 and the arrangement of uniform, soft, bulky lactation amount. Rabbit not too fat too thin, medium degree to become fat.

(3) sectional feeding.
1、对处于怀孕期的母兔,要供给充足的全价配合饲料,保证胎儿发育营养所需。在日粮配方中,不但要供给充足的蛋白质、矿物质和维生素等营养物 质,还要特别注意粗纤维的含量不应少于日粮的15%.临产前3天适当减少配合饲料的喂量,多喂青饲料。产箱后将母兔放入笼中,箱内铺垫清洁柔软的垫草 并减弱笼内光线。母兔常于夜间和凌晨分娩,自分娩到仔兔断乳大约需30-45天,此间既要供给充足营养保证乳汁的分泌,又应避免母兔过食而引起消化不良以 及乳房炎等疾病。
1, the pregnant mother rabbit, adequate supply of the full price of feed, ensure that fetal nutrition needed. In the diet, not only to the protein, minerals and vitamins and other nutrients supply enough, we should also pay special attention to the content of crude fiber should not be less than 15%. of ration of labor 3 days before the appropriate reduction with feed feed, multi soiling. The box after disinfection of the mother rabbit into a cage, the bedding clean soft mat grass and weakened the cage light. Mother rabbit is often in the night and in the early morning delivery, about 30-45 days from birth to pups weaned, here not only to supply adequate nutrition to ensure milk secretion, and should avoid the mother rabbit caused by overeating indigestion and mastitis and other diseases.
2、对出生20天内的幼小仔兔,基本全靠母乳维持生命,适应能力很弱,必须精心护理,保证每天吃足奶。缺奶仔兔应及时用保姆兔带着或人工哺乳。 仔兔开眼前,要加强产箱内的保温和清洁措施,防止鼠害和兽害。开眼后的仔兔应适时补给一些易消化、营养好的饲料和和适量的青绿饲料,并逐渐增大饲喂量。
2, to the birth within 20 days of the young pups, basically depend on milk to maintain life, adaptation ability is very weak, must be careful nursing, assure to eat enough milk every day. Lack of milk rabbit immediately with the nanny with or artificial suckling rabbits. The young rabbit opened eyes, to strengthen the heat preservation and cleaning measures, prevent rodent and animal pests. His eyes after the rabbit should be timely replenishment of feed and digestible nutrition, a good amount of green feed, and gradually increase the feeding amount.
3, the strong digestion, faster growing young rabbits, to supply green forage, concentrate supplement, maintain moderate condition for the degree, to rabbits too fat or too thin to influence the use value. The young rabbit reached a certain weight, can choose the excellent retention for the rest to cultivate, wool with.