来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin
Napping is pulled wool, Angora rabbit hair the color of mining is a more scientific method using napped wool harvest. Colored Angora rabbit for more than a single body of single color, brown, black, gray, yellow, blue and other natural color, hair should be separated. Colored Angora rabbit can be perennial galling, can stimulate the metabolism of rabbit skin color by brushing, improve blood circulation, promote the hair growth, improve the hair growth and hair quality. The method of partial rabbit family galling and poor timing, the skin caused by mechanical damage, damage the skin and hair follicles, causing the disease, affecting growth and development and yield of wool, or even cause death of rabbits. To introduce Angora rabbit hair color matters needing attention:
1. 拉毛前应做好兔体及用具的。采毛台后用一层干净的塑料布或报纸铺垫,每采完一只彩色长毛兔,用75%的酒精棉球彻底一遍,拔完毛的兔体亦用75%的酒精棉球进行涂擦。
Disinfection of the 1 surface must be done before the rabbit and appliances. Wool harvest table after disinfection with a layer of clear plastic cloth or newspaper bedding, each picking a colored Angora rabbit, disinfect again thoroughly with 75% alcohol cotton, unplug the rabbit hair are rubbed disinfection is complete with 75% alcohol cotton.
2. 为轻松拉毛,使兔体皮肤不受损伤,在拉毛前,每只彩色兔可喂给地塞密松2片,或者喂给韭菜20克,使毛囊括张容易拔掉。
2 for easy picking, so that the rabbit skin from damage, in the day before the nap, each color rabbit can be fed to the Disaimisong 2 pieces, or feed the chives 20 grams, the hair follicles easily pulled out a piece of.
3. 拉毛方法要正确,用力要适度。拉毛时左手轻抓兔耳保定,右手拇、食、中三指捏紧被毛将兔毛一小撮一小撮均匀地拔下,不可遍体滥拔。
3 picking methods to correct, forced to moderate. When the light caught the rabbit ear picking left Baoding, the right hand thumb, food, in three fingers clenched hair will hair a handful of evenly pull, not all over the indiscriminate pull.
4. 采用拉毛法采毛应拔长留短。冬季有利于兔体保温,夏季有利于防蚊虫叮咬。
4 the galling by hair should be long pull short stay. The winter for the rabbit body heat preservation, is conducive to the prevention of mosquito bites in the summer.
5. 仔兔皮肤细嫩,一次采毛更好采用剪毛法,避免损伤皮肤;种公兔配种期间,母兔在怀孕期间均不宜用拉毛法采毛,以保证正常生产性能。
5 young rabbits skin delicate, first hair the best use of shearing method, to avoid damage to the skin; male rabbit breeding period, female rabbits during pregnancy are not scratch by hair, in order to ensure the normal production performance.
6. 采用拉毛法采毛,要加强饲养管理,喂给易消化、营养的饲料,并喂给维生素B12片。
6 the galling by hair, to strengthen management, give easy digest, nutrition is comprehensive feed, and feed it to the Vitamin B12 Tablets.