来源:http://www.myxinhua.com 发布人:admin
1. 兔兔的寿命可长达8—12年,你是否愿意照顾它直到终老?
1. The life span of a rabbit can be as long as 8-12 years. Are you willing to take care of it until it dies?
2. 饲养兔兔的费用和给兔兔看病的费用从哪里来,你有好的打算吗?
2. Where does the cost of raising and treating rabbits come from? Do you have a good plan?
3. 小时候的兔兔很可爱,可是岁月是把杀兔刀,你愿意为这个大宝贝日复一日地付出你的时间和心血,给它喂食、帮它打扫笼子、清洗厕所和做日常护理么?
3. As a child, the rabbit is very cute, but time is a knife to kill the rabbit. Are you willing to pay your time and effort for the baby day after day, feeding it, cleaning the cage, cleaning the toilet and doing daily care?

4. 兔兔也会调皮捣蛋,要对它的破坏力有心理准备。
4. Rabbit can also be mischievous, so be prepared for its destructive power.
5. 买兔兔之前,要和自己的家人或者宿舍舍友商量好。
5. Discuss with your family or roommates before buying rabbit.
6. 家兔如果被放生,无法在野外存活,无论你有什么原因不能继续养兔兔,都请别把它放生,要为他找一个好主人。
6. If the rabbit is released, it can't survive in the wild. No matter what reason you can't continue to raise the rabbit, please don't release it, and find a good host for it.
7. 我们不提倡繁殖,如果你一定要,请提前做好一切准备,照顾好母兔并为新生小兔做好打算。
7. We don't advocate breeding. If you must, please make all preparations in advance, take good care of the female rabbit and make plans for the newborn rabbit.