1、坚持自繁自养,新购兔隔离观察 为了防止传染病的侵入,更好是自繁自养,确需引种时,要从非疫区购买。购入后隔离饲养2周以上,确认无病后方可放入兔场饲养。
1. Adhere to self breeding and self care, and isolate and observe newly purchased rabbits. In order to prevent the invasion of infectious diseases, it is best to self breed and self care. When it is necessary to introduce, purchase from non epidemic areas. After purchase, quarantine and raise for at least 2 weeks, and confirm that there are no diseases before placing them in a rabbit farm for breeding.
2、搞好卫生 卫生是防病的重要一环,通过以减少和消灭环境中的病原体,切断传播途径。饲养人员要求在更衣、换鞋、洗手后进入兔舍,进入场区的大门口应设池。外来工具、物品要经后再使用,常用工具及时清洗和曝晒。兔舍、兔笼要坚持每天清扫一次,每周带兔一次。
2. Doing a good job in hygiene and disinfection is an important part of disease prevention. Through disinfection, pathogens in the environment can be reduced and eliminated, and transmission routes can be cut off. Breeding personnel are required to enter the rabbit shed after changing clothes, shoes, and washing hands, and a disinfection pool should be set up at the entrance to the site. External tools and items should be disinfected before use, and commonly used tools should be cleaned, disinfected, and exposed to sunlight in a timely manner. The rabbit shed and rabbit cage should be cleaned once a day and disinfected with rabbits once a week.
3、搞好免疫 免疫是控制传染病发生的一种重要手段,免疫搞好了,疫病就能得到有效的控制。由于各地区、各兔场的疫病流行情况不同,因此也就不可能有一个可供各地统一使用的免疫程序,这就需要各养兔场在实践中总结经验,制定符合具体情况的免疫程序。下面是几种常见病的免疫方法:

3. Immunization is an important means of controlling the occurrence of infectious diseases. Once immunization is done well, the epidemic can be effectively controlled. Due to the different epidemic situations in different regions and rabbit farms, it is impossible to have a unified immunization program that can be used by various regions. This requires each rabbit farm to summarize their experience in practice and develop the best immunization program that suits the specific situation. The following are immune methods for several common diseases:
Rabbit plague. Rabbits aged 40-45 days were subcutaneously injected with 1 milliliter of rabbit distemper propolis vaccine or 2 milliliters of rabbit distemper Pasteurella vaccine. At 60 days of age, they were further vaccinated, followed by immunization every 6 months thereafter. If this disease becomes prevalent, double the dose of immunization is required in the epidemic area.
Rabbit pasteurellosis. After weaning, each rabbit is injected with 1 milliliter of Pasteurella rabbit avian vaccine or 2 milliliters of Pasteurella rabbit distemper combined vaccine, and thereafter every 4 months.
Clostridium welchii disease. Weaned rabbits were subcutaneously injected with 2 milliliters of Clostridium welchii vaccine, and subsequently immunized every 5-6 months.
Escherichia coli disease. Starting from the age of 20 days, the piglets will be injected with Escherichia coli polyvalent bacteria, with 1 milliliter injected subcutaneously each time. After weaning, the piglets will be immunized again, with 2 milliliters injected subcutaneously. Afterwards, they will be immunized every 4 months.
Bordetellosis. At the age of 18 days, the rabbits were subcutaneously injected with 1 milliliter of the Bordetella vaccine, followed by a week of booster immunization and 2 milliliters subcutaneously. Afterwards, they were injected every 4 months.
Staphylococcal disease. Subcutaneously inject 2ml of Staphylococcus aureus vaccine into the mother rabbit before mating, with a protection period of 4 months.
To cultivate long haired rabbits well, this is not a slogan that can be effective with just a shout, but rather from the variety, breeding management, and epidemic prevention procedures of long haired rabbits. In other words, having excellent varieties, combined with careful management, and timely epidemic prevention, can enable the highest production efficiency of long haired rabbits to be achieved and create income for us.